*Pedo interviews 2008*

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The Ohio State Univ.
Date Notified: 10/21
Mode: Phone
Interview Dates: 11/9-10 or 12/7-8 (The first day starts w/lunch at 12!!)

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hey any idea if schools like tufts send a rejection letter. I have nt heard from them yet. is that a no?
hey any idea if schools like tufts send a rejection letter. I have nt heard from them yet. is that a no?

I don't know if it was this thread or a different one but someone that applied last year said about half of the schools that didn't invite him out sent out rejection letters and then the other half he never heard from at all. I don't know exactly how Tufts does it. Hope this helps.
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I don't know if it was this thread or a different one but someone that applied last year said about half of the schools that didn't invite him out sent out rejection letters and then the other half he never heard from at all. I don't know exactly how Tufts does it. Hope this helps.

Hey thanks.. it sucks if they dont send out rejection letters because then your just waiting forever and you dont know whats happening :(
Hey also how does Match work? schools that participate in Match will send out interview calls only after Match releases its results?
More Rochester Invitations Extended...

Notified 9/29
Mode: Phone
Interview Dates: 10/27, 11/3, 11/10, 11/17, 11/24

Notified 10/20
Mode: Phone
Interview Dates: 11/10, 11/17
Time: 8:30 to 3:30 & Sunday evening gathering
Hey also how does Match work? schools that participate in Match will send out interview calls only after Match releases its results?

Indian Dental: No offense but at this point if you don't know how MATCH works, you have no business applying to post grad residencies.
From some of your questions on this thread, it appears that you're kind of clueless and have a lot to learn. This is 2nd year dental school material.
Hey guys! on average how many interviews are you invited to so far? I have applied to 22 programs but only heard from 3. is it too late to get more invitations? or there is still hope?.. thanks
Hey guys! on average how many interviews are you invited to so far? I have applied to 22 programs but only heard from 3. is it too late to get more invitations? or there is still hope?.. thanks

I have heard from 7 but expect a few more, Most of the New York Programs havn't sent invites out, or either of the Pittsburgh Programs, or Children's Boston and those are just the ones I know of. Depends on how many of the schools you applied to are already on the list above, if every one you applied to is on the list you may not get many more (unless people cancel their interview). If you applied to programs that have yet to send out invites you will probably get a few more. Good Luck :thumbup:
nkgdds this forum is to help people out and not act like a pompous know it all like you. i agree some of my questions are naive but thats because i am not from the country. i joined this forum to get some help. since your from dental school in the states a lot of my questions seem like stuff you would know since you were born but these are all new things to me. so may be you should try to be a little more helpful.
Indian Dental: No offense but at this point if you don't know how MATCH works, you have no business applying to post grad residencies.
From some of your questions on this thread, it appears that you're kind of clueless and have a lot to learn. This is 2nd year dental school material.

nkgdds this forum is to help people out and not act like a pompous know it all like you. i agree some of my questions are naive but thats because i am not from the country. i joined this forum to get some help. since your from dental school in the states a lot of my questions seem like stuff you would know since you were born but these are all new things to me. so may be you should try to be a little more helpful.
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I was invited to interview at only one of the several programs to which I applied; I'm not expecting any more invitations. So this interview could be the make-it or break-it event for me in this application cycle. Can anyone offer any advice? What to expect? What kind of questions might be asked? Is this all about personality and schmoozing? Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks, all.
Hello tygrardds, I think you should tell us which program you are interviewing at and may be some one from the previous interview cycle can help you out!! Good luck,
nkgdds this forum is to help people out and not act like a pompous know it all like you. i agree some of my questions are naive but thats because i am not from the country. i joined this forum to get some help. since your from dental school in the states a lot of my questions seem like stuff you would know since you were born but these are all new things to me. so may be you should try to be a little more helpful.

I couldn’t find anything arrogant (pompous) in nkgdds note. Your questions are valid but not for the “Pedo Interviews 2008” topic. There is one level up a forum name “International Dental”, where you should find answers to the questions you've asked.
Heard 10/23 by phone
Interview date Dec 5 (only one). No event the night before.
Things to consider when looking at Pedo programs (by DcS from 2006 pedo thread) :

-Hospital or school-based?
-How much didactic work do they get?Are the classes P/F or do they have graded exams?
-What is the call like? Is it in-house? How is it split b/w residents?
-How much time do they spend in the OR?
-What kind of oral sedation do they use? How many patients do they do it on? Any IV sedation?
-How seriously is the research requirement taken (some programs make you only do data collection, some it's hard-core and you won't graduate on time unless you are done)
-How many full time staff do they have?
-What % of residents go on to become board certified?
-How much ortho do they offer?
Boston University Pedo Program
date notified: 10/23/08
mode: e-mail
interview dates: November 20th December 4th December 11th
UPenn Pedo Program
Date Notified: 10/23
Mode: Phone
Interview Date: 12/05
Hi Everyone:

Now that people have started going to interviews, can you post the types of questions they asked and what to watch out for?
Notified: 9/2
Mode: Phone Interview
Interview Dates: 12/3-4 or 12/4-5

Boston University
Notified: 10/23
Mode: email
Interview Dates: November 20th December 4thDecember 11th

Bronx Lebanon Hospital Center
Notified: 10/9
Mode: Phone
Interview dates: Tues-Thursday starting week of October 21st and into November

Notified: 9/19
Mode: Snail Mail
Interview Dates: 10 dates(9/26-11/15, 5 Fri & 5 Sats w/dinner PM b4)

Chicago Memorial Hospital
Notified: 10/20
Mode: Phone call
Interview Dates: 11/7, 12/12 (with a dinner the night before)

Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh
Interview Dates: Nov 3, Nov 17 and Dec 15

Children's Hospital of Wisconsin
Notified: 10/17
Mode: Phone
Interview Dates: 11/7, 11/21

Children's Nat. Med. Center (DC)
Notified: 9/23
Mode: Email
Interview Dates: 11/3 or 11/10

Notified: 9/2, 9/23
Mode: Phone, Email
Interview Dates: 11/16-17 or 12/7-8

Interview Dates:

Interview Dates:

Notified: 10/10
Mode: E-mail
Interview date offered: 11/13-14 or 11/16-17

LSU--New Orleans
Notified: 9/25
Mode: Phone
Interview date offered: 10/23-24

Lutheran Medical Center Providence, RI
Notified: 10/2
Mode: email
Interview dates offered: 11/18, 11/19; 30 minute slots

Medical College of Georgia
Notified: 10/3
Mode: email
Interview dates offered: 11/17 or 11/18

Miami Children's
Notified: 10/8
Mode: Phone
Interview date offered: 10/29 (with a social on the 28th)

MUSC (South Carolina)
Notified: 10/6
Mode: Phone
Interview date offered: 11/17-18 and 12/8-9

Notified: 10/16
Mode: E-mail
Interview Dates: 11/10 or 11/17, dinner the night before

Notified 9/29, 10/20
Mode: Phone
Interview Dates: 10/27, 11/3, 11/10, 11/17, 11/24

St Barnabas
Notified: 10/22
Mode: Phone, Email
Interview Dates: 11/24, 12/1, 12/8, 12/15

Notified: 10/6
Mode: Snail mai
lInterview date offered: 11/18, 11/25, 12/2

The Children's Hosp - Colorado
Notified: 10/13
Mode: Phone
Interview Dates: 11/16-17 or 12/7-8

The Ohio State Univ
Notified: 10/21
Mode: Phone
Interview Dates: 11/9-10 or 12/7-8 (The first day starts w/lunch at 12)

Tufts University
Notified: 10/10
Mode: Snail Mail
Interview date offered: 11/18, (12/5 **New)

U of Illinois
Notified: 10/13
Mode: Email
Interview Dates: 11/8, 11/20, or 11/21

Interview Dates:

UCLA Venice (CHAT)
Interview Dates:

Notified: 10/6
Mode: Phone
Interview date offered: 11/21, 12/5

Notified: 10/15
Mode: Phone
Interview date offered: 11/14 or 11/17

Notified: 10/11
Mode: email
Interview date offered: 11/7 and 11/17

Notified: 9/26
Mode: E-mail
Interview Dates: 11/21 (meet & greet 11/20 evening)

Notified: 10/6
Mode: email
Interview date offered: 11/10-11 and 11/17-18

UMKC- Children's Mercy Hospital
Notified: 10/14
Mode: email
Interview Date: 11/11 (Informal dinner 11/10)

Notified: 9/30
Mode: email
Interview date offered: 12/4 and 12/5

Univ. Nebraska
Notified: ???
Mode: ???
Interview Dates: 11/7 or 11/10

Univ. of Iowa
Notified: 10/8
Mode: Phone
Interview date offered: 10/27 and 11/10

University of Louisville
Notified: 10/3
Mode: email
Interview date offered:: 10/21-2

University of Michigan
Notified: 10/13
Mode: email & phone
Interview date offered: 11/3 & 4 or 11/10 & 11

University of Tennessee
Notified: 10/2
Mode: Phone
Interview dates offered: 10/23-24, 10/29-30, 11/6-7

Notified: 10/23
Mode: Phone
Interview Dates: 12/5

Notified: 10/20
Mode: email
Interviews Dates: 11/06, 11/13/ 11/20, 12/04, 12/11.

UT Houston
Notified: 10/7
Mode: Phone
Interview date offered: 11/13 or 11/14

UTHSC--San Antonio
Notified: 10/3
Mode: Phone
Interview date offered: 11/7 and dinner the night before

Notified: 10/1
Mode: Phone
Interview Dates offered:12/8 and 12/9

Notified: 9/25
Mode: Email
Interview Dates: 12/2
Has anyone heard back from the University of Washington for interviews? I didn't see it on the list. thanks
I called the university of Washington on friday. .. still reviewing the apps! they said within a week they will send out the invitations.
Hey Guys!

Has anyone heard from any of the programs in NY - Montefiore, Brookdale, Interfaith, Maimonides, StonyBrook?

Children's Hospital of Wisconsin
Notified: 10/17
Mode: Phone
Interview Dates: 11/7, 11/21

**New dates: 12/5, 12/19 (with meet and greet the day before)
Please post any interview information when you recieve it. I called the University of Minnesota today and they said they had already finished sending out all their invites a while back. It would have helped me a lot if someone would have posted it on SDN. Anyhow, a big thank you to all those who have already posted their info.
and Loma linda?

I heard Loma Linda was waiting for something that was supposed to come out Nov. 1st, and then they will send out invites after that. Not sure if its true, but that's what I heard (I am currently studying in Loma Linda in their international program).

So potentially we could hear as soon as next week... Can't say for sure though.
Here is a shorter list showing only the remaining programs we are still waiting on...

Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh
Interview Dates: Nov 3, Nov 17 and Dec 15

Interview Dates:

Interview Dates:

Loma Linda
Interview Dates:

Interview Dates:

Interview Dates:

UCLA Venice (CHAT)
Interview Dates:

UCLA San Diego - Rady Children's Hospital
Interview Dates:

Univ. Nebraska
Interview Dates: 11/7 or 11/10

Univ. Washington
Interview Dates: 11/19 or 12/3

I am sure this list is missing a bunch - so feel free to add to it.
Please post any interview information when you recieve it. I called the University of Minnesota today and they said they had already finished sending out all their invites a while back. It would have helped me a lot if someone would have posted it on SDN. Anyhow, a big thank you to all those who have already posted their info.

I just called University of Minnesota now. The program co-ordinator was not in today, but she has a recorded message stating that applicants will be notified about their interviews no later than Nov. 15th. So I guess maybe they will still send out some more.
Hey guys,

Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh
Notified: 10/28
Mode: Phone
Interview Dates: Nov 3, Nov 17 and Dec 15
Thanks for the followup ambitiousdent. I hope you are right. I'm not sure who I spoke to the other day but she said that they had already sent out the interview invitations. Last year, they sent out invites mid-October. I was starting to wonder why it hadn't been posted if the invitations had indeed been sent out. I don't have a lot of money so I'm trying to calculate and budget my travel expenses. Thanks again for following up. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

By the way, for anyone interested, I spoke to Children Hospital in Boston and they said they will still be reviewing applications for the next two weeks. They don't seem to be in a hurry. Last year they didn't send out interview invites until early November. I don't even think they have chosen the interview dates yet because the only thing they would tell me is that the interview date would be in early December, similar to last year.

I just called University of Minnesota now. The program co-ordinator was not in today, but she has a recorded message stating that applicants will be notified about their interviews no later than Nov. 15th. So I guess maybe they will still send out some more.
I am curious what you all think about programs that don't use Match - requiring you to choose THEIR program and opt out of Match before Match publishes results.

Here is a scenario:

  • You have 4 interviews at different programs.
    • 3 of them use Match
    • 1 of them does not
  • The Cost:
    • The 3 that use Match pay you $100,000 over those two years.
    • The 1 that doesn't use Match costs $100,000 over two years.
    • This is a difference of $200,000 between the programs.
  • The program that doesn't use Match accepts you early, and tells you that you must withdraw from Match and show them proof that you withdrew to accept their offer. You might have been accepted to the other programs, but you will never know if you accept this offer.

  • 1 of the programs that uses Match is LESS preferable than the one that does not use Match - so if you stay in Match you might get chosen by a less desirable program, a more desirable program, or potentially no programs at all.
What do you do? What are your thoughts?
Montefiore Medical Center
Via: snail mail
Interview dates: 12/5, 12/12, 12/19
and Loma linda?

I know for a fact Loma Linda will start sending out letters the beginning of next week; and I heard from a very reliable source that if you aren't from OHSU dental school, you will not be hearing from them. :(
Brookdale pedo program has already selected their applicants for interviews but has yet to send out notifications. Unfortunately, the told me I wasn't one of them. :(
Stony Brook Interview
Date Notified: 10/20
Mode: email
Interview Dates: 11/18 or 12/9
from word of mouth only:

columbia's dates will be 12/10, 12/17, 12/18, and they said they will be sending out invites next week.

harvard says their interviews are the first two saturdays in december.
Jacobi Medical Center Pedo Dental Program
date notified: 10/30/08
mode: via e-mail
interview date: December 1
Notified: 9/2
Mode: Phone Interview
Interview Dates: 12/3-4 or 12/4-5

Boston University
Notified: 10/23
Mode: email
Interview Dates: November 20th December 4thDecember 11th

Bronx Lebanon Hospital Center
Notified: 10/9
Mode: Phone
Interview dates: Tues-Thursday starting week of October 21st and into November

Interview Dates:

Notified: 9/19
Mode: Snail Mail
Interview Dates: 10 dates(9/26-11/15, 5 Fri & 5 Sats w/dinner PM b4)

Chicago Memorial Hospital
Notified: 10/20
Mode: Phone call
Interview Dates: 11/7, 12/12 (with a dinner the night before)

Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh
Notified: 10/28
Mode: Phone
Interview Dates: Nov 3, Nov 17 and Dec 15

Children's Hospital of Wisconsin
Notified: 10/17
Mode: Phone
Interview Dates: 11/7, 11/21

Children's Nat. Med. Center (DC)
Notified: 9/23
Mode: Email
Interview Dates: 11/3 or 11/10

Notified: 9/2, 9/23
Mode: Phone, Email
Interview Dates: 11/16-17 or 12/7-8

Interview Dates: 12/10, 12/17, 12/18,

Interview Dates: 12/6, 12/13

Notified: 10/10
Mode: E-mail
Interview date offered: 11/13-14 or 11/16-17

Jacobi Medical Center
Notified: 10/30
Mode: email
Interview Dates: 12/1

Loma Linda
Interview Dates:

LSU--New Orleans
Notified: 9/25
Mode: Phone
Interview date offered: 10/23-24

Lutheran Medical Center Providence, RI
Notified: 10/2
Mode: email
Interview dates offered: 11/18, 11/19; 30 minute slots

Medical College of Georgia
Notified: 10/3
Mode: email
Interview dates offered: 11/17 or 11/18

Miami Children's
Notified: 10/8
Mode: Phone
Interview date offered: 10/29 (with a social on the 28th)

Montefiore Medical Center
Notified: 10/29
Mode: mail
Interview Dates: 12/5, 12/12, 12/19

MUSC (South Carolina)
Notified: 10/6
Mode: Phone
Interview date offered: 11/17-18 and 12/8-9

Interview Dates:

Notified: 10/16
Mode: E-mail
Interview Dates: 11/10 or 11/17, dinner the night before

Interview Dates:

Notified 9/29, 10/20
Mode: Phone
Interview Dates: 10/27, 11/3, 11/10, 11/17, 11/24

St Barnabas
Notified: 10/22
Mode: Phone, Email
Interview Dates: 11/24, 12/1, 12/8, 12/15

Stony Brook
Notified: 10/20
Mode: email
Interview Dates: 11/18, 12/9

Notified: 10/6
Mode: Snail mai
lInterview date offered: 11/18, 11/25, 12/2

The Children's Hosp - Colorado
Notified: 10/13
Mode: Phone
Interview Dates: 11/16-17 or 12/7-8

The Ohio State Univ
Notified: 10/21
Mode: Phone
Interview Dates: 11/9-10 or 12/7-8 (The first day starts w/lunch at 12)

Tufts University
Notified: 10/10
Mode: Snail Mail
Interview date offered: 11/18, (12/5 **New)

U of Illinois
Notified: 10/13
Mode: Email
Interview Dates: 11/8, 11/20, or 11/21

Interview Dates:

UCLA Venice (CHAT)
Interview Dates:

UCLA San Diego - Rady Children's Hospital
Interview Dates:

Notified: 10/6
Mode: Phone
Interview date offered: 11/21, 12/5

Notified: 10/15
Mode: Phone
Interview date offered: 11/14 or 11/17

Notified: 10/11
Mode: email
Interview date offered: 11/7 and 11/17

Notified: 9/26
Mode: E-mail
Interview Dates: 11/21 (meet & greet 11/20 evening)

Notified: 10/6
Mode: email
Interview date offered: 11/10-11 and 11/17-18

UMKC- Children's Mercy Hospital
Notified: 10/14
Mode: email
Interview Date: 11/11 (Informal dinner 11/10)

Notified: 9/30
Mode: email
Interview date offered: 12/4 and 12/5

Univ. Nebraska
Interview Dates: 11/7 or 11/10

Univ. of Iowa
Notified: 10/8
Mode: Phone
Interview date offered: 10/27 and 11/10

University of Louisville
Notified: 10/3
Mode: email
Interview date offered:: 10/21-2

University of Michigan
Notified: 10/13
Mode: email & phone
Interview date offered: 11/3 & 4 or 11/10 & 11

University of Tennessee
Notified: 10/2
Mode: Phone
Interview dates offered: 10/23-24, 10/29-30, 11/6-7

Notified: 10/23
Mode: Phone
Interview Dates: 12/5

Notified: 10/20
Mode: email
Interviews Dates: 11/06, 11/13/ 11/20, 12/04, 12/11.

UT Houston
Notified: 10/7
Mode: Phone
Interview date offered: 11/13 or 11/14

UTHSC--San Antonio
Notified: 10/3
Mode: Phone
Interview date offered: 11/7 and dinner the night before

Interview Dates:

Notified: 10/1
Mode: Phone
Interview Dates offered:12/8 and 12/9

Notified: 9/25
Mode: Email
Interview Dates: 12/2
I am curious what you all think about programs that don't use Match - requiring you to choose THEIR program and opt out of Match before Match publishes results.

Here is a scenario:

  • You have 4 interviews at different programs.
    • 3 of them use Match
    • 1 of them does not
  • The Cost:
    • The 3 that use Match pay you $100,000 over those two years.
    • The 1 that doesn't use Match costs $100,000 over two years.
    • This is a difference of $200,000 between the programs.
  • The program that doesn't use Match accepts you early, and tells you that you must withdraw from Match and show them proof that you withdrew to accept their offer. You might have been accepted to the other programs, but you will never know if you accept this offer.

  • 1 of the programs that uses Match is LESS preferable than the one that does not use Match - so if you stay in Match you might get chosen by a less desirable program, a more desirable program, or potentially no programs at all.
What do you do? What are your thoughts?

I'm in a similar situation - but I was told by a second year resident that you will get a pretty good idea, and can directly ask residents at the programs you interview at after the fact, whether or not you have a good chance of being selected. From there you can decide whether or not to drop out of Match.
I was told by Loma Linda faculty that invitations (letters) were sent out today...
I may have to pick between Ohio State and Cincinnati! Both are amazing programs and I am having a hard time even thinking about dropping one of them... The only option I have maybe be if Cincinnati will let me swap days but then I am over lapping with Indiana!
Any advice? Insight? anything?