Peds anesthesia boards

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7+ Year Member
Oct 27, 2014
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Just started my fellowship. In addition to reading for my cases, any recommendations on a good Q-bank for the peds written boards?
Is there a something similar to truelearn?

Thanks in advance

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Do appropriate peds anesthesia things. Don't do inappropriate peds anesthesia things.

In all seriousness, less than 200 people a year take the peds anesthesia boards. I don't think anyone is going to develop a q bank for it.

This was ok...

(Also keep that "less than 200 people a year take the peds anesthesia boards" idea in mind when you start spotting grammar/spelling mistakes during the exam and start wonder where the money you paid went. It's very rough around the edges.)
Honestly the best peds anesthesia Q-bank that exists is the True Learn Advanced Q bank and sort for only "pediatric" category questions. Unfortunately they don't sell Qbank categories a-la-cart, so you'd be way overpaying.

The one linked above ("Comprehensive board review") is probably the best option, but it's not very good compared to TrueLearn. We used it during my fellowship for our weekly board review sessions... there's a lot of good questions mixed with some really bad questions. Probably every third of fourth question would elicit a comment from one of our faculty of "This is a terrible question. I completely disagree with their answer and explanation." So take that for what it's worth.

Another review book I like is called "Condensed review of pediatric anesthesia". It was a good one to read through during the year, nice balance of covering the material well but not being overly detailed. Unfortunately, it's not a question bank, just a series of short primers.

It's a tough exam to study for, at least to do a dedicated study for. This probably isn't a helpful statement, but the best preparation is to perform well as a resident on ITE's, pass the advanced, and then complete a demanding fellowship with a lot of exposure and reading throughout the year of any of the major peds anesthesia textbooks (Cote is my favorite).
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Honestly the best peds anesthesia Q-bank that exists is the True Learn Advanced Q bank and sort for only "pediatric" category questions. Unfortunately they don't sell Qbank categories a-la-cart, so you'd be way overpaying.

The one linked above ("Comprehensive board review") is probably the best option, but it's not very good compared to TrueLearn. We used it during my fellowship for our weekly board review sessions... there's a lot of good questions mixed with some really bad questions. Probably every third of fourth question would elicit a comment from one of our faculty of "This is a terrible question. I completely disagree with their answer and explanation." So take that for what it's worth.

Another review book I like is called "Condensed review of pediatric anesthesia". It was a good one to read through during the year, nice balance of covering the material well but not being overly detailed. Unfortunately, it's not a question bank, just a series of short primers.

It's a tough exam to study for, at least to do a dedicated study for. This probably isn't a helpful statement, but the best preparation is to perform well as a resident on ITE's, pass the advanced, and then complete a demanding fellowship with a lot of exposure and reading throughout the year of any of the major peds anesthesia textbooks (Cote is my favorite).
Thank you for the response
Buy the book linked above. That’s as good as you’ll get for a q bank. And read Cote - especially neonatal chapters and Cardio / resp phys chapters.
I watched the pass machine video series at 1.5x speed for review and crushed the exam. It’s not hard for someone that did a fellowship. It was probably hard for people that didn’t and qualified by exaggerating their experience for back door certification.
How long does it take until you get the results back from the peds boards?
So figured I’d try this once again. Took the exam today. Prep included some videos from pass machine, and completed the comprehensive board review book. To be 100% honest, I definitely thought that exam was not the easiest. Felt more comfortable walking out of the oral exam.
Does anyone know how long it takes till results are back?
It's been a few years but I reviewed the Pediatric Anesthesiology Review Topics short e-book series and that was honestly about it. I didn't study that much extra since I had great education during fellowship and felt pretty on top of the topics, plus I was really tired after all that training and couldn't push myself to study aggressively at that point!