Personal Statement Critique

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Jun 11, 2008
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Sorry if this has been covered somewhere before, but I was wondering if anyone knew a good service to go through to get their personal statement for primary apps critiqued (i.e. point out weaknesses, grammatical errors, etc.). I know Kaplan does one, and my school also does one but I wanted to see what other options there were.


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Asking one of the English professors at your school would be less expensive. If your school has a writing center, one of their people would be another option. You can find businesses on-line that charge to critique your writing, but SDNers that have used them reported variable degrees of happiness with the results.
Sorry if this has been covered somewhere before, but I was wondering if anyone knew a good service to go through to get their personal statement for primary apps critiqued (i.e. point out weaknesses, grammatical errors, etc.). I know Kaplan does one, and my school also does one but I wanted to see what other options there were.


Send me that cringe-inducing, vomit-making abortion of an essay that you call a personal statement but I call a crime against humanity and I will kick its tires, slam its doors, tear it a new sphincter, and then rip its head off and (metaphorically) take a dump down its throat.

I have been sent twenty-or-so personal statements in the last two years and we have not hit bottom yet. Just when I thought they could not get any worse comes another self-aggrandizing, cliche-infested screed which, in it's awesome crapulence, leaves me stunned...stunned and ashamed at the depths to which you poor bastards must sink to get into medical school.