Personal statement question

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Dec 11, 2004
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I just finished my personal statement using microsoft word. I then highlighted the essay and pasted it onto the designated space in the AMCAS. For some reason there are no indentations at the start of each paragraph where there should be. Did anyone else have an issue with this, and if so how did you resolve it?

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Jcrown said:
I just finished my personal statement using microsoft word. I then highlighted the essay and pasted it onto the designated space in the AMCAS. For some reason there are no indentations at the start of each paragraph where there should be. Did anyone else have an issue with this, and if so how did you resolve it?

Thats just the way AMCAS formats it. Instead of making indentations, I double spaced between paragraphs, which might be an option for you if you aren't close to the character count.

All that hard work, and the essay doesn't look pretty. But I think everyone is in the same boat.
Jcrown said:
I just finished my personal statement using microsoft word. I then highlighted the essay and pasted it onto the designated space in the AMCAS. For some reason there are no indentations at the start of each paragraph where there should be. Did anyone else have an issue with this, and if so how did you resolve it?

I don't think it'll be a problem to just have a line break and no indentation...
excellent. I will put spaces between the paragraphs then. Thanks for replying so fast.