Personal Statement

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Mar 28, 2005
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I have just copleted my personal statement, and as I read it over, I realize that there is not much in it about my love for optometry. It mainly discusses the path which I took to get to wanting to be an OD as opposed to an MD, and why optometry would be a good fit for me. But I don't talk that much about optometry itself (ex: my love for vision sciences). Should I change this? How much of your personal statemnt should be devoted directly to showing how much you love optometry? I mainly focused on why optometry would be better than MD for me.

Also, I have only shadowed one OD (private practice) for about 10 hrs? Is this enough, or should I also consider shadowing another OD? Those who have been accepted so far seem to have had alot of exposure.


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Some schools require that you volunteer for 30 hours minimum. And the more experience the better, so why not?
montrealrep said:
Some schools require that you volunteer for 30 hours minimum. And the more experience the better, so why not?

What school requires that you volunteer for 30 hours?
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nvega13 said:
What school requires that you volunteer for 30 hours?

I believe it's Pacific
nvega13 said:
I have just copleted my personal statement, and as I read it over, I realize that there is not much in it about my love for optometry. It mainly discusses the path which I took to get to wanting to be an OD as opposed to an MD, and why optometry would be a good fit for me. But I don't talk that much about optometry itself (ex: my love for vision sciences). Should I change this? How much of your personal statemnt should be devoted directly to showing how much you love optometry? I mainly focused on why optometry would be better than MD for me.

Also, I have only shadowed one OD (private practice) for about 10 hrs? Is this enough, or should I also consider shadowing another OD? Those who have been accepted so far seem to have had alot of exposure.


I would try to focus more on why you chose optometry and try to focus less on why you chose it versus medicine. But tell your story of how you got to the decision of optometry and if that involves talking about not going into medicine, then that is ok. I think it is important to tell your story.