Pharm techs in pharmacy school

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5+ Year Member
Jan 2, 2017
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Hey all! I was a Pharm tech at cvs it was first job, I then worked for an independent pharmacy. I got hired in at Walmart and I almost cried every single break. They don't care about their employees and it was just a whole different world. It almost made me change my mind about pharmacy school. My manager told me to get certified as a tech when I'll be getting my intern license? They make me fill all day and don't take the time to teach me anything. I've been there for a month and I didn't do my CBLS yet. I've never had a job I hated so much (I loved my previous jobs) and never felt so small. I want to put in my two weeks because I don't want this job to discourage me from pharmacy school. What do u guys think

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I don't think you need to be certified if you are an intern. Check your state at least. Here in Iowa once you get your intern license they auto-drop your certification.

I think your Walmart sucks to work at and I don't think it's the same everywhere. I've heard okay things about the Walmart in town here. It sounds like right now you're only a tech and I would expect you to be doing tech things all day. Once you're an intern things might change. It would be worth asking if they plan to expand your duties once you get your intern licence.
The job of a pharmacy technician is to fill prescriptions. Don't expect them to teach you anything, you are there to do the job.
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I don't think you need to be certified if you are an intern. Check your state at least. Here in Iowa once you get your intern license they auto-drop your certification.

I think your Walmart sucks to work at and I don't think it's the same everywhere. I've heard okay things about the Walmart in town here. It sounds like right now you're only a tech and I would expect you to be doing tech things all day. Once you're an intern things might change. It would be worth asking if they plan to expand your duties once you get your intern licence.
They don't even care..