Pharma: pathophysio of side effects?

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7+ Year Member
Sep 22, 2015
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I know step 1 is heavily concept based, and so far I've used the Kaplan series + wiki/internet to figure out how things work. For pharma, while mechanisms of action and resistance etc are explicitly stated in books, the pathophysiology of most drug side effects mostly aren't. Am I required to scour the internet to pick up all the explanations, or is whats given in kaplan + FA + UWorld enough?


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From my experience, kaplan(LN and videos) + FA + UWorld (explanations included) is enough, don't waste your time w/ the pathophysiology of each drug side effect. Know the basic mechanism behind the most high yield drugs and their side effects, and know how to identify the side effects of less relevant drugs in a question. In my opinion, Pharm asked in step 1 is very straightforward and an easy way to pick up points.