Pharmacy vs. Linguistics/Computer Science

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Sep 8, 2022
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Hi, I am a second year who is on the pre-pharmacy track, and I was advised by my counselor to possibly explore linguistics & computer science as a major. Initially I thought Chemistry would be good, but she told me that considering I'm already taking Chem classes that it wouldn't be a good idea. I told her Computer Science might be interesting, but math isn't my strong suit so that's how we decided on Ling/CS. Honestly, I worry because what if Ling/CS doesn't prove to be beneficial to my major and how it would affect my pay when I do enter the Pharm field for work? Also, I wonder how this would affect my study abroad chances as well. Thanks to anyone who responds.

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I would avoid going to pharmacy school. Seriously reconsider being pre-pharm.

CS would be a no brainer. It leads to a career that pays better than pharmacy, offers far better job prospects and work conditions, and does not require you take out $200k+ in loans and spend an additional 4 years in school unlike pharmacy.
Definitely do CS. In retrospect I wish I had done that. For perspective I’ve been a pharmacist almost 5 years and am now going down the CS pathway.
Do pharmacy now. Regret it later.....
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