Please help so stressed!!

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10+ Year Member
Apr 16, 2012
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Hi! I am currently in the post bac program at Harvard extension school and wanted some advice from the student doc network. I took physics in college 5 years ago and got a C+ (ouch I know) but since then I graduated with a 3.4 from NYU and went on to get a 4.0 in a psychology masters program at an Ivy League a school. In the post bac program I have taken chem 1 and 2 and bio 1 and Orgo 1 and have gotten an A in all of the classes. I planned on taking bio and Orgo 2 this spring and retaking physics over the summer (I know they don't do grade replacement but it was 5 years ago and I have to think getting a better grade could help... Not erase my grade but at least help. I wanted advice on this and the Mcat. I know taking the Mcat in August after summer physics would be too late. But I do not want to wait another year to apply. I'm worried that if I take the Mcat and apply in June before my new physics grade, my c+ will hurt my application. Would you recommend taking the Mcat and applying in June anyways? I'm not worried about having to teach myself physics for the Mcat. Just that he c+ will hurt my application before I retake physics. Thanks for your help!!!!

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Would you recommend still retaking physics this summer after applying in June just to show I can do it ?
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Nobody really cares about Physics (per se). They care that you have distinguished yourself and that you have an MCAT score at or above their mean. A good strategy is way more important than the outcome of a single class. If you get to the interview, nobody is going to ask you why you didn't re-take physics (as long as your physical sciences score is 10 or better)! On the other hand, if you need to repeat the class to do well on the MCAT, do it. The MCAT is so much more important than any of the other things you have mentioned (other than a timely application).
I would not waste time re-taking physics, it seems unnecessary. I would focus on the MCAT and applying early