Post-Bacc Interview Questions

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10+ Year Member
May 3, 2011
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Hey everyone...

This may seem asinine but I was hoping some of you could post up some common interview questions asked for Post-Bacc programs.

I have seen a few other threads with such inquiries, some good advice, and a lot of the typical questions you can expect to be asked (why medicine? Strengths/Weaknesses, etc), but I was wondering if anyone here ever got any "tougher" questions such as something about the healthcare system, reform, etc like something they might as you at an MD interview.

Any advice is helpful!! I have an interview tomorrow and have been mentally preparing. I am great with interviews, just wondering if there is anything legit I should look up or will I mostly just be talking about myself. Thanks!!!

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Hey everyone...

This may seem asinine but I was hoping some of you could post up some common interview questions asked for Post-Bacc programs.

I have seen a few other threads with such inquiries, some good advice, and a lot of the typical questions you can expect to be asked (why medicine? Strengths/Weaknesses, etc), but I was wondering if anyone here ever got any "tougher" questions such as something about the healthcare system, reform, etc like something they might as you at an MD interview.

Any advice is helpful!! I have an interview tomorrow and have been mentally preparing. I am great with interviews, just wondering if there is anything legit I should look up or will I mostly just be talking about myself. Thanks!!!

That's impossible to answer in the abstract because different schools (and different interviewers w/in a single school) have different approaches to the interview. You certainly can't go wrong by being prepared to answer a question about the current or (potential) future state of healthcare in the US.

In general, I think the vast majority of questions will be about you - your interests, experiences, and personal/professional goals, etc.

From what you said, it sounds like you've got plenty of experience interviewing. This shouldn't be terribly different from those other interviews.

Good luck tomorrow!