Post Bacc student decided on Med School, what now?

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Nov 18, 2016
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Hi everyone! I'm new to the forum, so I apologize if I'm posting in the wrong place.

So here's my story. I am 27 and currently taking classes as a post bacc. I did my undergrad in Bio, got a BS in 2012 w/ 3.1 GPA (similar science GPA). I spent a few years working in vet hospitals and discovered I don't want to be a veterinarian, and that I like medicine. So I left my job & became an EMT about 2 years ago, now I LOVE medicine and LOVE taking care of my patients, but am so frustrated with my limited scope of practice (I want to be able to do so much more to help people than I can as an EMT.)

About a year an a half ago, I decided to go back to initially to school and decided PA school was the best route for me, in large part l because I was afraid of how long it would take to become a physician. But I realized recently how stupid a reason that is to not pursue what I really want. So I am resolved to apply to Med school.
Last year I retook Intro Bio I & II, Intro Chem I & II and got all A's (op from all C's the first time). I got C+ in OChem I & II, so I decided to take Biochem instead of retaking those classes (I'm taking that now, am on track for a B-B+, which I know is not ideal but I made the mistake of also taking Genetics, stats and Anatomy too this semester). I've been taking classes full time because I can't pay for classes out of pocket (EMT's are horribly underpaid at $13/hour), and was also working full time until recently (now I'm only part time). I took Physics I at a community college a few years ago and plan to take Physics II in the spring (will they accept credits from a community college?)

Basically I am trying to figure out what my chances are of getting into any school in the NY, CT, NJ area. I have not taken the MCAT, I think it would be better to wait until I don't have so much on my plate, so I can dedicate a few months to studying and get a high score. I have an opportunity to do my own research project at my school, starting in the spring which I hope will also bolster my resume. I'm not really sure where to go from here. Any advice you could give would be greatly appreciated!

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$13/hour is horribly underpaid? If it's EMT basic, those guys are glorified taxi drivers. Advanced or paramedic is another thing.
$13/hour is horribly underpaid? If it's EMT basic, those guys are glorified taxi drivers. Advanced or paramedic is another thing.

Is it necessary to disparage OP for absolutely no reason without providing any helpful advice whatsoever?

OP, your grades with the exception of the Orgo look good (all As) so you should try to get as high of grades as possible. Study diligently for the MCAT and get a high score. Many schools like students who re-invent themselves.
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$13/hour is horribly underpaid? If it's EMT basic, those guys are glorified taxi drivers. Advanced or paramedic is another thing.

lol what a douche. You will for sure make for a **** doctor with that attitude.
Your story sounds pretty similar to mine - so I am rooting for you.

If you can calculate your projected cGPA/sGPA after all of your courses, it would help people guide you more accurately.

To answer your question about CC courses, check the school admissions websites. It will vary school to school.
lol what a douche. You will for sure make for a **** doctor with that attitude.

Sorry, just speaking the truth. Basic EMT's can't even start an IV. What does that leave them doing?..................transports........AKA taxi driving. I apologize if I come across as overly harsh. I deal with EMT's every day and often times their ego can't fit through the door despite the fact that a trained monkey could do their job and it takes 3 months of education to get into the field.
$13/hour is horribly underpaid? If it's EMT basic, those guys are glorified taxi drivers. Advanced or paramedic is another thing.

Hello Troll! Thanks for your insightful and constructive response. Since you are an expert on EMS, please tell me more about my current profession.
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Sorry, just speaking the truth. Basic EMT's can't even start an IV. What does that leave them doing?..................transports........AKA taxi driving. I apologize if I come across as overly harsh. I deal with EMT's every day and often times their ego can't fit through the door despite the fact that a trained monkey could do their job and it takes 3 months of education to get into the field.

Nah man, you're not overly harsh. You're just a dick. Important distinction.
$13/hour is horribly underpaid? If it's EMT basic, those guys are glorified taxi drivers. Advanced or paramedic is another thing.
Sorry, just speaking the truth. Basic EMT's can't even start an IV. What does that leave them doing?..................transports........AKA taxi driving. I apologize if I come across as overly harsh. I deal with EMT's every day and often times their ego can't fit through the door despite the fact that a trained monkey could do their job and it takes 3 months of education to get into the field.

what is the point of your posts and how do they relate to what the OP is asking
what is the point of your posts and how do they relate to what the OP is asking

They don't have anything to do with OP's goals. I'm just tired of under qualified people bit***** and moaning about how woefully underpaid they are.