Got a call from an anesthesiologist last evening asking me to see someone urgently. Luckily I was still in the hospital.
(residents/med students, this is what you build your reputation for, and why you jump to it when you are called. You may not be taking ER call, but you go see people quickly if you are asked)
54 year old female with severe, post traumatic OA of the wrist admitted to Same day surgery for an elective wrist arthrodesis. Ortho did a dorsal approach to the radiocarpal joint and performed a wrist arthrodesis with BMP and a Synthes plate. Tourniquet time was 2 hrs at 250mmHg. Anesthesia attempeted an Axillary block with 15cc Lidocaine and 15cc Bupivicaine. They reported the block as "unsucessfull" and then induced for GET.
On awakening, the pt. had severe hyperesthsia/pain of the entire hand, with near total anesthesia of the Median, Ulnar, DUC Nerves and partial anesthesia of the radial nerve. She also had SOB, and was admitted. Initially this was thought to be a prolonged anesthetic response.
20hrs post op, the L hand was still numb/painful with impaired motor function of the hand. Anesthesia was called, they called me to evaluate.
Her PMHx is significant for COPD (quit smoking 2 months ago after a 60pack-yr history), L CTS release (>10yrs ago), and Bilateral first rib removals for TOS 30+ yrs ago. As well as a L wrist fx with malunion which led to the severe OA of the wrist.
On my exam she had 0/5 Median, 0/5 AIN, 0/5 Ulnar (could not test any wrist flexors/extensors for obvious reasons), and 0/5 Finger Extensors. Her Brachioradialis was 0/5. Biceps, Triceps and ALL other proximal muscles were 5/5. She had some sensation in all areas but was severely hyperpathic in Median, Ulnar, dorsal ulnar cutaneous and Superficial Radial N. distributions. She had altered (but not hypterpathic) sensation in the MABC nerve. LABC and all other proximal sensory nerves were normal.
I started Lyrica last night, advised her in gentle ROM of the fingers and returned this AM. Exam was unchanged except she now has a flicker of movement in the finger extensors and her sensation in the Superficial Radial N. was now normal. MABC sensation was also better.
OK. What the heck caused this? She is set up to f/u with me in 2 weeks, and if still weak I will do the EMG then.
(residents/med students, this is what you build your reputation for, and why you jump to it when you are called. You may not be taking ER call, but you go see people quickly if you are asked)
54 year old female with severe, post traumatic OA of the wrist admitted to Same day surgery for an elective wrist arthrodesis. Ortho did a dorsal approach to the radiocarpal joint and performed a wrist arthrodesis with BMP and a Synthes plate. Tourniquet time was 2 hrs at 250mmHg. Anesthesia attempeted an Axillary block with 15cc Lidocaine and 15cc Bupivicaine. They reported the block as "unsucessfull" and then induced for GET.
On awakening, the pt. had severe hyperesthsia/pain of the entire hand, with near total anesthesia of the Median, Ulnar, DUC Nerves and partial anesthesia of the radial nerve. She also had SOB, and was admitted. Initially this was thought to be a prolonged anesthetic response.
20hrs post op, the L hand was still numb/painful with impaired motor function of the hand. Anesthesia was called, they called me to evaluate.
Her PMHx is significant for COPD (quit smoking 2 months ago after a 60pack-yr history), L CTS release (>10yrs ago), and Bilateral first rib removals for TOS 30+ yrs ago. As well as a L wrist fx with malunion which led to the severe OA of the wrist.
On my exam she had 0/5 Median, 0/5 AIN, 0/5 Ulnar (could not test any wrist flexors/extensors for obvious reasons), and 0/5 Finger Extensors. Her Brachioradialis was 0/5. Biceps, Triceps and ALL other proximal muscles were 5/5. She had some sensation in all areas but was severely hyperpathic in Median, Ulnar, dorsal ulnar cutaneous and Superficial Radial N. distributions. She had altered (but not hypterpathic) sensation in the MABC nerve. LABC and all other proximal sensory nerves were normal.
I started Lyrica last night, advised her in gentle ROM of the fingers and returned this AM. Exam was unchanged except she now has a flicker of movement in the finger extensors and her sensation in the Superficial Radial N. was now normal. MABC sensation was also better.
OK. What the heck caused this? She is set up to f/u with me in 2 weeks, and if still weak I will do the EMG then.