Postbacc chances

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Oct 21, 2023
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I am a non-traditional career changer student, getting ready to apply for post-bacc programs. I work in tech right now and am doing ECs on the side. The biggest caveat that I see is that I am not a US citizen, which will make admissions to the post-bacc and then to medical school challenging (but I am determined!).

Here are my stats / life history :

  • T1 liberal arts college school with a GPA of 3.62, majoring in Computer Science and minoring in Psychology
  • Big upward trend as I adjusted to the academic rigor, learned English (lol) while balancing it with being a student-athlete (will explain in optional essay)
  • 1450 SAT
  • Top student-athlete for the 4 years of college, with many accolades (All-American, Newcomer & Senior of the Year)
  • Worked for 1.5 semesters in the Psych Child, Attachment, and Development Lab (when I was considering majoring in psychology or neuroscience)
  • 80 hours of hospital volunteering, 50 hours of hospice volunteering (currently doing ~6 hours of volunteer work per week, so it will be higher), 30 hours of shadowing
  • Got my EMT license, have 25 hours rn and fully starting in September
  • Have a history of working in big tech company (internship), and currently working at a small company as a product manager

Really hoping to get into BM or Scripps, what do you think are my realistic chances? Worried about my GPA because once I am in a postbacc, I would love to link but wondering if because my GPA is 3.62 I am screwed ((

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