Postbacc or Masters - Future MD-PhD applicant

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Mar 18, 2024
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I plan on applying to MD-PhD programs after taking a gap year. I will be graduating undergrad with a 3.5 cGPA and 3.3 sGPA (pretty decent upward trend). Right now, my grades are my biggest concern with the strength of my application. I am debating whether it would be more benefical to enroll in a masters program or a postbacc program to prove my academic ability. Any advice is appreciated.

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Welcome to the forums.

I need more information than just your GPA. What about your research experience?

Also we have the "Physician Scientists" subforum if you are interested in that path.
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Welcome to the forums.

I need more information than just your GPA. What about your research experience?

Also we have the "Physician Scientists" subforum if you are interested in that path.
Thank you for your response. I have 450 research hours from an REU (I also presented this poster at a conference and won an award for this research), about 100 hours from being a research assistant in a psychology lab, and will have about 800 research hours in a biochemistry lab (I have 2 poster presentations from this, a pending publication, and this is the research I am writing my honors thesis on).