Pre Pre-Physical Therapy

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Jun 8, 2017
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Right now I am working towards a degree in Public Health and are definitely trying to work towards Physical Therapy. I have time between my classes that I would like to be utilizing for online certifications that could work to increase my credentials in the health and physical therapy field but everything that I've come across has required a bachelors degree as a minimum requirement. Are there any certifications I can be taking now that do not require a bachelors?

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Sure there are on my journey towards figuring out I wanted to be a PT I went through many different medical fields. You could get certified as an EMT-B this requires 1 semester of course work and a national test. There is also Pharmacy Technician license which can be gained with a few months of studying and a $250 licensing test I have held both of these licenses and I think they have really improved my overall understanding of the medical field. If you want something more unofficial you could look for a position as an ER scribe, this job gave me a medical terminology certification but it may not be nationally recognized. There are also things like a personal training license which only requires a certification through an accredited organization this can be achieved through a $400-$600 test. Hopes this helps.