Pre-req question, biology before physics?

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Mar 13, 2005
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I am planning on taking pre-req's over a two year period and then take the MCAT in 2007. I know I have to take 2 years of Chemistry and 1 year each of Biology and Physics. Would you recommend taking bio with chemistry the first year and then physics with chem the second year or vice versa? Any help is greatly appreciated

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The traditional route is biology and gen chem your freshman year and ochem/physics either your sophomore year or spread over the soph and junior year. You just want to be sure you've taken the bio, chem, ochem and physics prior to your mcat. But yes take gen chem w/ gen bio frosh year and begin ochem w/ physics soph year.
I gave a simple answer but I would also like to elaborate now.
I would advise to take biology the first year so that you can take some upper level biology classes before the MCAT. Although it isn't a must, many people think that it helps. Also I don't know about your major or when your planning on taking the MCAT (spring of junior year or summer before junior year) but those are also things to take into consideration.