Pre-reqs at University B while enrolled at University A for PhD?

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Feb 13, 2020
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Hi all - Posting about a unique situation for a fellow non-trad friend:

"I am currently a PhD student enrolled at University A. However, I wanted to simultaneously take all my pre-med pre-reqs at University B (a 4-year university down the road), due to their class time offerings and financial reasons.

Would Adcoms look down upon or question this?"

@Goro @LizzyM @Mr.Smile12 @wysdoc @Faha @gyngyn and any and all adcoms, your perspective is much appreciated - thank you in advance!

Edit: adding that my friend's intention is to apply to medical school only after the completion of their PhD.

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Adcoms are not likely to care. However, your PhD mentor may care and may trash you in a LOR given that you are dividing your loyalties and not devoting 100% to the lab.

When do you anticipate completing the PhD? Why stay in that program? Will the skills/expertise you are developing stay fresh through four years of med school? Do you anticipate a career as a physician-scientist or is this a pivot away from research to patient care?
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Hi all - Posting about a unique situation for a fellow non-trad friend:

"I am currently a PhD student enrolled at University A. However, I wanted to simultaneously take all my pre-med pre-reqs at University B (a 4-year university down the road), due to their class time offerings and financial reasons.

Would Adcoms look down upon or question this?"

@Goro @LizzyM @Mr.Smile12 @wysdoc @Faha @gyngyn and any and all adcoms, your perspective is much appreciated - thank you in advance!

Edit: adding that my friend's intention is to apply to medical school only after the completion of their PhD.
Don't tell your PI. Your free time is your time to do with your life as you wish. If what you want to do is pre-reqs, that's your business. You don't owe any extra loyalty to them. You're a work monkey in exchange for cash
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