Preparing for the OAT


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May 15, 2008
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I'm trying to find books to study from to prepare for the OAT, but all I can seem to find are practice tests/problems.

Is the Kaplan book people receive from signing up for the course the only text with review sections in it? So far from what I can tell OAT Achiever consists of online practice tests and OAT Destroyer consists of practice problems. I'm planning on getting both of them, but I was wondering if there is any books with review sections/material in them, like how the MCATs have Examkrackers.

Thanks a lot :]

Also, did anyone study for the OAT during their summer between Sophomore and Junior year of Undergraduate College? I finished chemistry, biology, calculus, and am in my last quarter of organic chemistry and physics, so I was planning on studying for it this summer while things are still somewhat fresh.

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Wow so I was kind of in the same situation as you are in right now :p Well if you sign up for the course, Kaplan will give you a huge purple book that has all these notes in it, and also a white workbook with problems sets and stuff. I was going to get the OAT destroyer until I realized that I actually needed to review some material before jumping in. If you're kind of in that same spot, then if you can get your hands on somebodys old Kaplan stuff (even if there's writing in the workbook because that's helpful!) then I think it's a pretty good prep. If you can't, then looking at Examkrackers books on topics that you're weak on can help you just as much, I'd assume. I actually bought my materials from somebody on this forum, so keep your eyes peeled in this thread to see if anybody is selling any! It's nice because they'll usually go for a decent price. I'm also getting the Achiever for the sake of doing tests online. I heard it was much harder than the real deal, but that's a good thing, right? :)

As for studying b/w Soph and Junior year, that's what I'm doing right now! When are you planning on taking the test? I'm not taking it until next Spring break or Summer vaca (or this Winter break at the earliest if I feel as if I'm prepared). Either way, I felt like I needed to do some math problems and reawaken that part of my brain some :p It's really good that you're studying while you're fresh! Depending on when you're planning on taking it, like if you're taking it in a year like me, I think you should take it easy and just review review review! Keep at it! Good luck and you can always PM me if you'd like to talk more about OAT materials/the test :D
I've heard of Kaplan's book, I just can't seem to get my hands on one :[.

I was planning on taking the OAT towards the end of September. I heard we should sign up 60-90 days in advance so I need to apply soon.

I'm skeptical about signing up right now though because From July-August I'm taking a chemistry lab, and from August to September I'm taking a Psychology and Political Science course. Planning on studying as much as I can in between though. We'll see how it goes.

Good luck with your studies.