PrepMatch- the new peer-to-peer CASPer preparation platform!

This forum made possible through the generous support of SDN members, donors, and sponsors. Thank you.


Full Member
Partner Organization
2+ Year Member
Sep 7, 2020
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Hello SDN users! We are PrepMatch and we have created the first-ever peer-to-peer CASPer preparation service. Hundreds of scenarios that you can practice and get feedback on. Absolutely for free.

We found a way for you to practice for the test that you were told you can’t study for.

Our goal is to make CASPer preparation accessible to everyone and make the admission process more equitable! We do not charge for any of our services.

We have initially launched in October 2020 in Canada (where CASPer was created) when it was the Canadian CASPer season. Since then, we had thousands of users join the site and lots of positive feedback!

We partnered up with the Student Doctor Network and gave an awesome webinar together a couple of days ago. Together with them, we decided to collaborate by creating this awesome forum to post different scenarios and generate discussion. We are so excited!

Please go to and start practicing for the CASPer in minutes 🙂

PS this was our webinar:

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A few thousand users have joined in the past few weeks and many of them came from the SDN! We are hoping to get more of you to join and help grow our preparation community 🙂

We are happy to answer any questions about CASPer or our platform on here or through our email: [email protected]