Private Practice NICU Jobs

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Sep 5, 2023
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Hello - is anyone able to comment on the types of schedules they've been offered for full or part time private practice neonatology jobs? It's hard to get a good idea of what type of work-life balance is attainable outside of academia. Thank you!

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I’ll add a related question to this in case someone does come by to answer - in other fields (Anesthesia, EM) it seems like working for “private groups” like MEDNAX is universally awful, but in NICU it seems to be the norm… do people genuinely like working for them or is it just a matter of no alternative being out there these days?
I'm applying to mostly academic places, but I did interview at 1 private practice and spoke to people from 2 other private practices.

There is huge variation in practice structure, even within MEDNAX. The 2 former fellows who work for MEDNAX now really love their jobs, and they are completely different. I've seen anything from only 24 hour shifts, to 2 weeks on service at a time with intermittent home call, to 1-2 week service blocks with dedicated in-house night call people and 24 hour shifts on weekends. I imagine there are several other structures out there.

The general takeaway is that in private practice you will have more clinical weeks on service, but when you're off you will have limited/no responsibilities (research, teaching, etc.).