Psychiatry Residencies?

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Jun 13, 2004
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I am curious to whether or not psychiatry residencies are easier to get than other specialties. If I go the physician route, this is the kind of doctor I would like to become because I already have a BA in Psychology and a great interest. Thanks to anyone that can assist.

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It's hard to predict the future (i.e. who would have known 10 yrs ago that derm and rads would be so popular), but I think that in five years, psychiatry will still be attainable for those interested in it. Of course, there will also always be a range of programs in terms of competitiveness, but I wouldn't worry about that now. Instead, I would try to see if the medical approach in general is the one that you want - otherwise, if you are more interested in psychotherapy, you can always look into the clinical psychology route...