PsyD/PhD (Post Interview) 2023 (Current Grad students?)

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Feb 12, 2023
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Hi! I hope I'm doing this right LOL. I recently got invited back to a few PsyD program interviews and am waiting to hear back from a few as well. For those of you who heard back post interview already for the Fall 2023 semester or, are graduate students and went through the whole process already:

I was wondering when you heard back after interviewing? Please let me know and specify which program! (ex: USC PsyD, two weeks after interview) -- or if anyone has any advice too throw it in!!! Thank you. I do my interviews this week and I'm super nervous and don't know when I should be hearing back afterwards.

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Gradcafe should have posts from past years too, so you can get a sense of when people heard back. It’s really hard to guess because it’s so different between programs. Some will notify informally the day after interviews, others will wait a few weeks to get all the paperwork in order. I’d recommend trying to keep your mind off of hearing back once interviews are over (although I know it’s easier said than done. Answers will come in their own time and it’s out of your hands.
Gradcafe should have posts from past years too, so you can get a sense of when people heard back. It’s really hard to guess because it’s so different between programs. Some will notify informally the day after interviews, others will wait a few weeks to get all the paperwork in order. I’d recommend trying to keep your mind off of hearing back once interviews are over (although I know it’s easier said than done. Answers will come in their own time and it’s out of your hands.
I appreciate your answer so much! I've been getting in my head after coming across some tweets/social media posts of people saying its their 3rd, 4th, 5th, etc cycle applying and it's gotten me so nervous!

I was able to find a few school info/dates on grad cafe!