PT School chances of getting in.

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Nov 4, 2024
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I wanted to get some insights about my chances of getting in to PT school. I was a student-athlete in college and was just focusing on graduation, I’ve been through a lot rough times from family issues, to depression, anxiety, and you know being a student-athlete is rough juggling school and training etc, so as a result, my GPA suffered a bit. I’ve been out of school Since 2022, working as an exercise physiologist and decided that I wanted to go back to school for physical therapy as I love the science of rehab and I love to help people. I have a couple of pre requisites that I need to complete such as biology 1 & 2, Physic 2, I have to retake anatomy 1 & 2 because they will be expired for some schools I’d like to apply for, chemistry 1 & 2, I have bunch of psychology courses but some schools are asking for general psychology so I would have to do that also, I also have to do statistics, plus the GRE. Is there a way to bump up my GPA or if I do very well in the prerequisites will that make my GPA look a little better plus doing well on the GRE? Plus most school’s I am looking at are asking for 40-50 hours of observation, I was thinking about doing 50 hours (100 hours total) and both out and in patient, what do you think? Should I do more hours?

I would greatly appreciate your help. Thank you!
Bachelor’s of Science in Kinesiology
Cumulative GPA 3.168
Classes needed to take: Bio 1 & 2, Chem 1&2, Physics 2, anatomy 1 & 2, general psychology, statistics
Need to take GRE
Do shadowing hours

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I think it is possible, but you will have to be selective in the programs that are more forgiving on GPA. I would definitely focus on taking the prerequisite classes at a junior college with the goal of getting A's on all of them. Also, make sure you get your mental health as optimized as possible before you apply. Check back in after you've taken maybe 16 hours and tell us what your updated GPA is.
I think it is possible, but you will have to be selective in the programs that are more forgiving on GPA. I would definitely focus on taking the prerequisite classes at a junior college with the goal of getting A's on all of them. Also, make sure you get your mental health as optimized as possible before you apply. Check back in after you've taken maybe 16 hours and tell us what your updated GPA is.
Thank you for your response. I am planning to take the pre requisites from an online school because I am an upcoming mom and I work too so in person school won’t be for me, but I do have a list of schools that accepts the pre requisites whether online, hybrid, or in-person.
Thank you for your response. I am planning to take the pre requisites from an online school because I am an upcoming mom and I work too so in person school won’t be for me, but I do have a list of schools that accepts the pre requisites whether online, hybrid, or in-person.
Yes, that is good, just make sure that there is no stipulation that you attend the lab portion of the science class in person. I've see some schools that require that.
Yes, that is good, just make sure that there is no stipulation that you attend the lab portion of the science class in person. I've see some schools that require that.
Yes I checked with all the schools I would be applying for. Thanks again!