MD & DO Pulm/Critical Care Doctors: What do you love and hate about the specialty?

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7+ Year Member
Nov 22, 2014
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I recently started to get familiar with the PCC specialty and am finding it super exciting! having the skillset to truly save lives in a life-or-death situation, the huge variety of practice options, connection with my personal interest in environmentalism, 7-on/7-off schedule, and lots of opportunity for growth in pulmonary research.

In my research I haven't found much on the cons of this field so wanted to ask current PCC physicians what they thought. What do you love and hate about your field? Also, would you say malpractice lawsuits/families fighting you on care decisions are significantly greater concerns in PCC vs other specialties?

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I recently started to get familiar with the PCC specialty and am finding it super exciting! having the skillset to truly save lives in a life-or-death situation, the huge variety of practice options, connection with my personal interest in environmentalism, 7-on/7-off schedule, and lots of opportunity for growth in pulmonary research.

In my research I haven't found much on the cons of this field so wanted to ask current PCC physicians what they thought. What do you love and hate about your field? Also, would you say malpractice lawsuits/families fighting you on care decisions are significantly greater concerns in PCC vs other specialties?
Yes, but if you perseverate on it... you will burnout in a spectacular blaze of glory.

I love physiology and at the end of the day... intensivists are really just (patho)physiologists in practice.
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