Put that you took the Kaplan course in AADSAS?

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Apr 8, 2008
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I was looking over the AADSAS instructions, http://www.adea.org/webdocs/AADSAS/appAADSASInstructions.pdf

and it has a place where you put what supplemental academic enrichment programs you have been involved in, including test prep classes. My question is do you think dental schools would favor a student who did not take a course like Kaplan, in which case you would not list it there even though you took it, or do you think it does not matter? just curious what you all think.

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I put it, but I doubt anyone really care.
I was looking over the AADSAS instructions, http://www.adea.org/webdocs/AADSAS/appAADSASInstructions.pdf

and it has a place where you put what supplemental academic enrichment programs you have been involved in, including test prep classes. My question is do you think dental schools would favor a student who did not take a course like Kaplan, in which case you would not list it there even though you took it, or do you think it does not matter? just curious what you all think.

i really don't think so...but the best thing is don't lie on your application.
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I put it as well. I don't think it would favor anyone for taking or not taking any DAT prep courses. In the end, you are the one who did all the work to get that scores.
i put it too. i think you can argue either way. you can say it looks bad or good. it shows determination that you are willing to do extra work to achieve your goals?
Yeah... I dont think it matters all that much either. Just be honest in your application. You dont want to get called out on something dumb in an interview and ruin your chance with that school.