question about studying optometry in the uk

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Jan 17, 2005
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Is there anyway a graduate from the US, who has completed all the prereqs for optometry school can prepare for the professional exam or obtain a masters degree in optometry in the UK?

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jav316 said:
Is there anyway a graduate from the US, who has completed all the prereqs for optometry school can prepare for the professional exam or obtain a masters degree in optometry in the UK?
why bother? they arent doctors first of all, second of all, u cannot come back to USA and work here if u graduate there.
I want to live in the UK for a few years.
Please don't hijack this thread by getting into an argument about US vs UK training. It was already discussed in your post a few weeks ago.
Thanks :)
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I went to Northern Ireland for a month last summer and loved it :) I know that different schools will allow you to do an externship in the UK. If you go to Houston you can have an externship in London. That might be something to consider.
Thanks :) - I didnt realize you could externships while in school. Are you a student at Houston now?
Kristene9 said:
I went to Northern Ireland for a month last summer and loved it :) I know that different schools will allow you to do an externship in the UK. If you go to Houston you can have an externship in London. That might be something to consider.
I dont know about Northern Ireland. I was in Scotland, Wales, and England (most cities) last summer. I dont like it there. I rather live in Paris. Paris is really nice.
ppa93 said:
I dont know about Northern Ireland. I was in Scotland, Wales, and England (most cities) last summer. I dont like it there. I rather live in Paris. Paris is really nice.

Wow, what a thoughtful and useful reply! Thanks!
ppa93 said:
I dont like it there. I rather live in Paris. Paris is really nice.

Wow really??? You want to live with the French?? Are you Canadian? I've heard they are so rude and hate Americans. Then you have Politics, ew.

I dont think I'm going to Houston. Houston is a great school and I really enjoyed my visit there, but I'm just not ready to go back to Texas. I want to be out on my own some (Living in Oklahoma for undergrad doesn't really count). So instead I'm headed towards UAB.

UAB has externships in Alaska (which is a place I've ALWAYS wanted to live). They told me that although they don’t have a lot of international places, if I can get one set up it shouldn't be hard to get as an externship. So, I will probably try to see what I can do about Northern Ireland. I just love how laid back and friendly everyone is there. I would love to be in Belfast for a few months :)
ppa93 said:
I dont know about Northern Ireland. I was in Scotland, Wales, and England (most cities) last summer. I dont like it there. I rather live in Paris. Paris is really nice.

Paris may be nice but optometrists in France are not recognized yet. So it may not be such a good idea. They may be recognized one day because EU is trying to have the same degrees all over europe but I would not count on it really.
thanks for your reply kristene. i wouldnt be surprised if other schools were open to international externships as long as you set them up. i'm looking mostly into applying in new york, pennsylvannia, possibly boston and houston. alabama is too competitive for me - congrats to you, your application must be pretty good to apply there.

this may be a naive question, but can anyone tell me how i can find out if it would be possible to practice in international countries. i would really love to live in europe for a few years - in what countries is optometry recognized?

thanks for your replies!!
Kristene9 said:
Wow really??? You want to live with the French?? Are you Canadian? I've heard they are so rude and hate Americans. Then you have Politics, ew.

I dont think I'm going to Houston. Houston is a great school and I really enjoyed my visit there, but I'm just not ready to go back to Texas. I want to be out on my own some (Living in Oklahoma for undergrad doesn't really count). So instead I'm headed towards UAB.

UAB has externships in Alaska (which is a place I've ALWAYS wanted to live). They told me that although they don’t have a lot of international places, if I can get one set up it shouldn't be hard to get as an externship. So, I will probably try to see what I can do about Northern Ireland. I just love how laid back and friendly everyone is there. I would love to be in Belfast for a few months :)
Who said Frenchs hate Americans? Any way, I am not talking about French. I am talking about the city. Not the people.
fmd said:
Paris may be nice but optometrists in France are not recognized yet. So it may not be such a good idea. They may be recognized one day because EU is trying to have the same degrees all over europe but I would not count on it really.
So who takes care of vision in France?
I think you would find it fairly easy to practice in the UK (fairly similar practice situation to the US, although you would be required to complete a one year pre-registration year. They recognize BOptom from the Netherlands so I image they will take OD grads too), Sweden (some UW students do externships there), and the Netherlands (apparently has curriculum and scope of practice based on the North American OD model).

But if you really want to know for sure then you will have to contact the respective licensing body (i.e. the College of Optometrists (UK)).
ppa93 said:
So who takes care of vision in France?

the optométristes
jefguth said:
the optométristes

Sorry but it is not true.
In France the ophthalmologists are the ones who take care of the vision. They do almost everything related to the eyes. Then you have the opticians who sell the glasses and contacts. You also have the "oculistes" who make glass eyes and the "orthoptistes" who do eye reeducation for the movement problems. The opticians also learn how to do eye exams but since the social security does not reimbourse you if an optician does the eye exams people go to the ophthalmogists only.
You can go to optometry school in France after getting your optician's degree. The optician's degree is 2 years and really competitive. Then the optometry degree is 3-5 years depending if you are working or not at the same time.
The main problem is that even if you are an "optometriste", it is not recognized by the government. This mean that the social security will not reimbourse your patients. It is really complicated and French optometrists have been fighting for a while now to be able to open their own pratice.
I hope it makes sense.
fmd said:
Sorry but it is not true.
In France the ophthalmologists are the ones who take care of the vision. They do almost everything related to the eyes. Then you have the opticians who sell the glasses and contacts. You also have the "oculistes" who make glass eyes and the "orthoptistes" who do eye reeducation for the movement problems. The opticians also learn how to do eye exams but since the social security does not reimbourse you if an optician does the eye exams people go to the ophthalmogists only.
You can go to optometry school in France after getting your optician's degree. The optician's degree is 2 years and really competitive. Then the optometry degree is 3-5 years depending if you are working or not at the same time.
The main problem is that even if you are an "optometriste", it is not recognized by the government. This mean that the social security will not reimbourse your patients. It is really complicated and French optometrists have been fighting for a while now to be able to open their own pratice.
I hope it makes sense.

damn it. I can no longer live in Paris. O well, Who cares, USA is good enough for me.