Question about the number of IM prelim spots

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15+ Year Member
Jul 9, 2006
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I can simply know if the program has IM Prelim spots from myERAS or FREIDA. I can also know the total number of IM spots from FREIDA. However, I'm having a difficult time knowing how many IM preliminary spots each program has. Searching the website of every program can be agonizing. Some of them don't state it clearly and, therefore, it can be a very length process.

To make it even look worse, some programs say, for example, they have 7 IM Prelim spots; 3 for their radiology program, 2 for their neurology program, and 3 for applicants from outside. So for programs that don't include such details, even if I knew the total number of Im Prelim's, I'm not gonna be able to know the real number of spots they have available for me.

For those who are applying for a limited number of prelim's, it won't be such a big problem. But, for those applying broadly, it is a problem. Anyone been thru the same problem? Any centralized list?

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I can simply know if the program has IM Prelim spots from myERAS or FREIDA. I can also know the total number of IM spots from FREIDA. However, I'm having a difficult time knowing how many IM preliminary spots each program has. Searching the website of every program can be agonizing. Some of them don't state it clearly and, therefore, it can be a very length process.

To make it even look worse, some programs say, for example, they have 7 IM Prelim spots; 3 for their radiology program, 2 for their neurology program, and 3 for applicants from outside. So for programs that don't include such details, even if I knew the total number of Im Prelim's, I'm not gonna be able to know the real number of spots they have available for me.

For those who are applying for a limited number of prelim's, it won't be such a big problem. But, for those applying broadly, it is a problem. Anyone been thru the same problem? Any centralized list?

No, there is no centralized list. The Acgme also has a residency site which may provide additional info (you may be getting to that through myERAS already, though). What you want to do is look at the websites of all the program in the regions you want to end up (time consuming, sorry), and focus on those. Or alternatively, just apply very broadly and research the programs as the interviews come in. Bottom line is whether you are interviewing for 3 spots or 10, there is still a possible spot.
Thanks. I hope ACGME one day will look into that make it easier for applicants.