Question for a radiologist

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5+ Year Member
Jul 11, 2017
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I have a question about what is typically reported on a radiology report if any radiologists could chime in that would be greatly appreciated. Is it standard protocol to note in the impressions no masses, etc, when there is clear trigeminal nerve demyelination on ADC imaging and what appears to be neurovascular contact by the superior cerebellar artery on FSE sequencing ordered for a chronic facial pain patient (myself)? There is also very clear compression of the ventrolateral medulla by the vertebral artery on the same side, also without mention in the report. I am not looking for anyone to confirm a diagnosis or anything as I will be speaking with a neurosurgeon shortly, I am just trying to understand as a chronic pain patient and future physician what to expect and why something like that wouldn't be reported by a radiologist.

Thanks for your time,


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ADC does not show demyelination?

Neurovascular contact? That is not a typical term in radiology and has no specific meaning?

It may look like there is “compression” to an untrained eye but if there are no other signal abnormalities it is likely just a tortuous basilar artery.

This is why radiology takes so long to learn and practice safely. What my seem abnormal to an untrained eye is often normal or just normal variant. If there was significant pathology at the locations you speak of it would have likely been mentioned.
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