Technology questions about buying palm treo

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Apr 22, 2008
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i'm looking to buy a smartphone before I start my rotations in july. I just want something that can run the medical programs and give me my normal phone and texting service. I dont have a big expensive data plan, so i dont even know if i can use a palm treo without having internet service. I would really appreciate some advice from someone with some experience, as I have none with these types of phones. I have been looking on ebay at the 700p and 700w. Can get a pretty good deal on them. basically i want to know:
1) what type of plan do I need to have (Verizon) to run these phones (is it required for me to have the internet, etc.)
2) which one would serve me well for rotations
3) where can i get the most common and useful programs for these phones, as I hear most of them are free. Thank you!

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Verizon will try to push a data plan with these smart phones. However, a data plan is NOT necessary.

I would suggest the XV6800 - very fast, has lots of internal memory, nice keyboard, etc.

I had a Treo 700wx and it was nice, but slow. also, it didn't have enough internal memory (the 700w is even worse).

Make sure you get something that has a touch screen.
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i'm looking to buy a smartphone before I start my rotations in july. I just want something that can run the medical programs and give me my normal phone and texting service. I dont have a big expensive data plan, so i dont even know if i can use a palm treo without having internet service. I would really appreciate some advice from someone with some experience, as I have none with these types of phones. I have been looking on ebay at the 700p and 700w. Can get a pretty good deal on them. basically i want to know:
1) what type of plan do I need to have (Verizon) to run these phones (is it required for me to have the internet, etc.)
2) which one would serve me well for rotations
3) where can i get the most common and useful programs for these phones, as I hear most of them are free. Thank you!

Any Blackberry users here? I have been thinking about replacing an old verizon cell phone with one. I know the OS does not have a lot of medical software out there so that is not a huge issue for me. I would be using it more for email/internet/PIM.
palm centro

The Treo 755p feels more solidly-built compared to the Centro, the screen is larger and more readable, and the keyboard is much easier to type on. Comparison review here: (although the Centro wins).


Edit: After looking at them several times in the Verizon stores, I broke down and bought a Centro this afternoon. The small size finally won me over, and maybe I'm getting used to the keyboard.
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