Quoted: academic problems in med school and future possibilities


Escape artist
Moderator Emeritus
15+ Year Member
Apr 4, 2007
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Posted for a member

I just got my Step 1 scores back and found out I failed. I was surprised and disheartened to hear this since I studied very hard and thought I did everything right (made schedules, FA/Goljan/UW etc). My med school has told me I will be allowed to finish my current rotation and then take a month off to retake it.

But I also had to repeat my first year after failing some of my classes. My second year went uneventfully and I passed everything so I thought my academic troubles were behind me. But then I recieved a note saying I failed my step 1. :(

I was disheartened to find out I missed the cutoff by several points. Now I'm worried about my career. I don't know of anyone who suffers a double whammy of retaking step 1 AND repeating the first year.

I'm currently doing ok in my rotation. All my residents gave me thumbs up, one of my attendings gave me a pass but seemed underwhelmed by me. I don't think I can compensate for my lackluster performance thus far with great evals or steller step 2 grades (I'm not that optimistic).

I'm willing to fight to stay in med school. I study hard and have sacrificed a lot to attend so I'm willing to give it 110% to get into a residency and be a practicing doctor.

Assuming I can pass step 1 and do ok on my rotations. What is in store for me 4th year? What types of programs can I expect to apply to? What are ways to make myself a better doctor (basic science wise)?

What are my career options?

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