Re-applicant for 2011-2012 cycle

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Feb 6, 2011
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First timer here to the board. I applied MD two years ago, but I didn't get in, so I've been spending the time since then to improve the app.

sGPA: 3.51
cGPA: 3.55
MCAT: 32

My biggest concern here is the downward GPA trend (primarily sGPA)
sGPA by year: 3.78 -> 3.62 -> 3.31 -> 3.38
cGPA by year: 3.68 -> 3.66 -> 3.34 -> 3.50

I'm currently taking a couple of post-bacc classes. Studying for the A's, of course. This would bring up the sGPA to 3.54 and cGPA to 3.57. I realize that downward trends aren't pleasing, but am I worrying a little too much? I'm not sure how bad is bad.

One other thing about grades: my post-bacc transcript will have final grades ready by the latter part of June. If I expedite the transcript to AMCAS, the verification time at this stage could be anywhere from 2-4 weeks. On the other hand, if I submit AMCAS early June without the post-bacc grades, I won't have the increased GPA. What are your suggestions as to what I should do?

- Shadowing and non-clinical volunteering (I'll have about 50 hours each when I apply)
- 4 years hospital volunteering
- Tutoring/TA for a summer
- 3 years of clinical exp through sports medicine/athletic training
- Currently doing bench research full-time and some clinical research on the side (definitely will not have a publication by application time, but I am working on my own project, so we'll see what happens)

How am I looking for this coming cycle? I will also apply DO to maximize my chances. I'm a CA resident if that helps (Actually it doesn't...). I'm willing to go anywhere in the US for school.

Thanks a lot and I really appreciate all your help!

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You need a legitimate reason to explain the downward trend. Getting those A's in post-bacc classes will help a lot in demonstrating your academic abilities.

From your app 2 years ago, did you ask the adcoms that interviewed you but ultimately didn't accept you the reasons for not accepting you? Was it more on the grades? ECs? PS? or interview? Just make sure you don't make the same mistake twice.
Applying with a downward grade trend hurts you, so I'd consider it critical for you to wait until your postbac grades are available so they'll be listed in the Postbaccalaureate area of the application and demonstrate some recent great grades and an upward trend. Verification times in late June this last season were much better than they've been historically, so hopefully it will be the same for you this coming summer.

Your clinical experience is terrific. About 50 hours of shadowing is average. Be sure this includes docs across a variety of specialties, including primary care, before you submit. Beefing up the community service is a good idea too, as would be continuing this through the application season and including new hours in future update letters.

Do you have any leadership to mention?

It's good to see you'll have tutoring and TA to list under Teaching. And the Research will help you, too.

I think that your chances for DO are excellent. Chances at MD with a 3.57/32 have been 55.5% per the AAMC stats grid.
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Thanks for the feedback! When I applied two years ago, I didn't have the shadowing, research and community service. These deficiencies were then brought up in the three interviews I had. From what I heard my LORs were decent.

I began working 20-30 hrs a week during my junior and senior years, hence the grade drop. In my case, I was getting a lot of B/B+ in upper-div coursework, nothing concerning like C's or D's. I definitely learned my lesson with time management, and have been using the off-year to simulate full-time working conditions (now at 40 hrs/week) while taking classes at night to show admissions committees I'm capable of handling the responsibilities of being a physician.

My leadership activities are sprinkled in between all of my listed ECs. Nothing major like being a president/founder of a club.

Thanks for all the help again!
I also had a somewhat late app-- I didn't apply until mid-August because I was waiting for my MCAT score to come in. After secondaries, I was complete at most schools by mid-September.
I also had a somewhat late app-- I didn't apply until mid-August because I was waiting for my MCAT score to come in. After secondaries, I was complete at most schools by mid-September.

Seriously, you applied late and did not have shadowing, voluntering and research( maybe optional) and you managed to pull 3 interview invites, to me, that is something right there but clearly you are going to be more successful this app cycle with recnet grades And ec's. Good luck
Hi, I have another question related to my app and would like to know your advice. I should have included this information previously, but it slipped my mind.

When I first applied, my cGPA and sGPA were 3.61 and 3.59, respectively. Now, those GPAs will end up being 3.57 and 3.55 by the time I submit my app this summer (Senior year grades were a string of B's and B+'s).

The drop is definitely not a good thing. I'm concerned that adcoms will toss my app in the trash the minute they compare my app from last time I applied. If I decide to spend another year, I would have to take the MCAT again since it would fall out of the three year window most med schools have.

I'm inclined to think that if I get all A's in the three post-bacc classes I'm taking (2 biochem classes, 1 pathophysiology), the drop wouldn't be as bad as it seems. What are your suggestions?

Thanks a lot for the input! Much appreciated!
I'm inclined to think that if I get all A's in the three post-bacc classes I'm taking (2 biochem classes, 1 pathophysiology), the drop wouldn't be as bad as it seems. What are your suggestions?
The good thing for you about those three postbac classes is that they will stand on their own on the application, on a line under senior year grades. So your year-by-year grades that you put in your first post will be followed by a 4.0 (hopefully), which will leave a very good impression.