Re-taking classes at CC

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May 14, 2018
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Hey guys,
SO i'm graduating from a UC in june with a 3.0 cumulative gpa. I wanted to take a few of my pre-reqs that i got a C/C+ in for MD/DO school again at a CC to improve my gpa. Is this possible for me to do and still have a chance of getting into a D.O school? Thanks!

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Do not retake any courses that you received a C/C+ in. There's a possibility you might get the same grade or worse, an even lower grade. What I suggest you do is take upper level science courses to raise the your cGPA/sGPA. If you successfully complete these courses with a passing grade, there is a possibility you can get a spot into a DO school. Granted your MCAT needs to be decently high, so take that into consideration to.

Which courses should you take? Anatomy, Cell Bio, Histology, Immunology, Microbiology, Biochemistry, Genetics, Physiology, and much much more!
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Hey guys,
SO i'm graduating from a UC in june with a 3.0 cumulative gpa. I wanted to take a few of my pre-reqs that i got a C/C+ in for MD/DO school again at a CC to improve my gpa. Is this possible for me to do and still have a chance of getting into a D.O school? Thanks!
Do not retake course with C/C+ or above. Try to take other science courses and get As