READ FIRST: Discussion of DAT test prep materials

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Jan 21, 2009
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Thank you to our members for your feedback as the moderation team works to address the stealth marketing issues in the Dental Forums. Your feedback has been loud and clear that you want to be able to provide and view DAT study breakdowns.

Based on your input, we are modifying our policies to ensure that users are able to discuss test plans and strategies in the DAT forum, but that questions and discussions of individual test prep companies are confined to the Exhibition forums.

In the DAT forum:

- Members CAN provide detailed DAT breakdowns that describe their study plan, materials used, and how they did on the test. They can discuss their opinions of the pros and cons of the various materials used.

In the Test Prep Services and Discounts forum:

- Members can ask questions about specific products and how to best use them.

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Test prep companies, please keep stealth marketing and counter-marketing off SDN. We founded SDN as a free and nonprofit resource to help students; stealth marketing on SDN is absolutely antithetical to our purpose and harm our community.

Moving forward, all posts that clearly bias towards any DAT test prep material will be moved the Test Prep Services forum. That means if members have a question regarding a specific product, they need to ask it there. Initial violations will receive a warning, multiple violations will result in a ban.

If you're representing a test prep company, you are welcome to post in the Test Prep Services forum. This free privilege is extended to all test prep companies that agree to abide by our policies. Posting outside of your organization's forum will result in a ban and all mention of your product will be banned on the site permanently.
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