Really nervous..don't think I have high chances

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Sep 2, 2011
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well first off i"m an international student from the caribbean so i know that it is a lot harder for me. I have a 4.0 gpa but i bombed my mcat and got a 27.
Er 2 weeks
dermatologist 3 weeks
surgeon 2 months
Handing out bags of food and bottled water in a poor community every other saturday morning with a community service organization
spent the weekend at a camp for seriously ill children
Investigated morphine tolerance for 2 months
community service committee for biology student organization, health educational relief organization, project h.o.m.e. And caribbean student association
outreach liasion co-chair in golden key international honour society

that's about all i've done because i was so focused on my academics...i also didn't apply to a lot of schools due to financial reasons (only 5). So my question is..what are your opinions and advice for me? :scared:

27 mcat -->do
Well first off I"m an international student from the Caribbean so I know that it is a lot harder for me. I have a 4.0 GPA but I bombed my MCAT and got a 27.
ER 2 weeks
Dermatologist 3 weeks
Surgeon 2 months
Handing out bags of food and bottled water in a poor community every other Saturday morning with a community service organization
Spent the weekend at a Camp for seriously ill children
Investigated morphine tolerance for 2 months
Community Service Committee for Biology Student Organization, Health Educational Relief Organization, Project H.O.M.E. and Caribbean Student Association
Outreach Liasion co-chair in Golden Key International Honour Society

That's about all I've done because I was so focused on my academics...I also didn't apply to a lot of schools due to financial reasons (only 5). So my question is..what are your opinions and advice for me? :scared:

Considering you are an International student a 27 MCAT score for MD will be very hard. A lot of MD schools won't even review International students unless they are from Canada. Make sure you review MSAR and school websites before applying if you're permitted to apply. Also keep in mind 27 is not a bad score and should combined with your GPA make you a competitive applicant for DO schools. The more important barrier than your MCAT score at this moment is definitely the fact that you're not a legal resident of the United States.
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Well first off I"m an international student from the Caribbean so I know that it is a lot harder for me. I have a 4.0 GPA but I bombed my MCAT and got a 27.
ER 2 weeks
Dermatologist 3 weeks
Surgeon 2 months
Handing out bags of food and bottled water in a poor community every other Saturday morning with a community service organization
Spent the weekend at a Camp for seriously ill children
Investigated morphine tolerance for 2 months
Community Service Committee for Biology Student Organization, Health Educational Relief Organization, Project H.O.M.E. and Caribbean Student Association
Outreach Liasion co-chair in Golden Key International Honour Society

That's about all I've done because I was so focused on my academics...I also didn't apply to a lot of schools due to financial reasons (only 5). So my question is..what are your opinions and advice for me? :scared:

Well 27 would not have been too bad if you weren't an international student. However, since you are not a US citizens or PR, you should retake the MCAT if you want a chance at MD schools. Otherwise, you will be competitive at DO schools. Good luck!
I know that its hard with me being international, but my advisor still feels confident that she can get me interviews for 2 of the schools I applied to.. I hear what you guys are saying about the DO but I'll probably just sit out a year and retake the MCAT if things don't go as planned. :(
Considering your international status, you would probably have to retake anyway for both DO and MD.
sigh* you guys really make me depressed....i'll retake if i don't get in...being international sucks.:(:(:(
sigh* you guys really make me depressed....i'll retake if i don't get in...being international sucks.:(:(:(
People here are just being realistic. And I know you said your financial situation isn't good but applying to 5 schools is really limiting your chances of getting in anywhere (even if you were a US resident). I wish you luck, but you'll probably have to retake the MCAT.
People here are just being realistic. And I know you said your financial situation isn't good but applying to 5 schools is really limiting your chances of getting in anywhere (even if you were a US resident). I wish you luck, but you'll probably have to retake the MCAT.

I wouldv'e gotten in as URM and been fine applying to 5 by applying to the right schools.It's really my international status that makes it a problem. I don't qualify for FAP so i'm not trying to lose over $1000 in application fees for no reason. But my advisor was insistent that I apply even though I wanted to retake in January. Nothing to do but wait I guess..Thanks for the advice though. It was basically how I felt after got my scores but i decided to listen to my advisor and mentor and apply with what I have. If I can get in somewhere then I think anyone can lol. :laugh:
FIRST INTERVIEW INVITE!!!! at least i got this far
I have a 4.0 GPA but I bombed my MCAT and got a 27.

OP I hate to break it to ya, but your pretty much screwed. I mean honestly, a 4.0? Is that the best you could do? You would be WAY more competitive if you had that 5.0 GPA. Also about you MCAT, that really blows! I mean its not like you can take it again and score higher, that's just impossible.

Seriously, calm the fuk down and get on with your life. There are people (aka me) who are in WAY crappier situations than you and have an actual reason to be unhappy. I mean I would probably kill someone if it meant I could have a 4.0 GPA (granted that I hated them a lot to begin with).
OP I hate to break it to ya, but your pretty much screwed. I mean honestly, a 4.0? Is that the best you could do? You would be WAY more competitive if you had that 5.0 GPA. Also about you MCAT, that really blows! I mean its not like you can take it again and score higher, that's just impossible.

Seriously, calm the fuk down and get on with your life. There are people (aka me) who are in WAY crappier situations than you and have an actual reason to be unhappy. I mean I would probably kill someone if it meant I could have a 4.0 GPA (granted that I hated them a lot to begin with).

I'm going to assume that you are a US citizen and things like taking over the MCAT and reapplying are all a lot easier for you. I am international and once I graduate ( in like 3 months) I will no longer be in America so in terms of second chances I'm pretty much screwed. You have equal opportunity and I do not. I had to pick schools that would be more merciful to internationals. If you are international then you can tell me to calm down and if you are not then you do not understand where my worries come from and will not ever understand.
PS. I would appreciate it if you would not curse at me. My worries are genuine and I am sorry if your MD career is not looking bright, but when a medical school tells you that despite your achievements that it is very very very unlikely that you will get in..................................................................
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PS. I would appreciate it if you would not curse at me. My worries are genuine and I am sorry if your MD career is not looking bright, but when a medical school tells you that despite your achievements that it is very very very unlikely that you will get in..................................................................
Well said and congrats on the interview!
Please disregard the troll. Goodluck this cycle, and if things don't go your way just retake the MCAT. If at all possible try to get into an MCAT class (I know this may be hard as an international), and if you can't look up the MCAT study schedule on this forum. It is really rigorous and doing it will get you a 33+ with which you'll be alot better off.
I hope it doesn't have to come to a retake. It would be really difficult for me to start over. My advisor has a lot of confidence that I'll make it, but I was surprised that I got an interview at high-ranked med school with a 27 MCAT ( guess they liked my personal statement). I've worked hard to get to this point, and if I can make it through....... *crossed fingers*

PS. Oh yeah and thanks for the congrats.
I hope it doesn't have to come to a retake. It would be really difficult for me to start over. My advisor has a lot of confidence that I'll make it, but I was surprised that I got an interview at high-ranked med school with a 27 MCAT ( guess they liked my personal statement). I've worked hard to get to this point, and if I can make it through....... *crossed fingers*

PS. Oh yeah and thanks for the congrats.

Nahnia - first of all, congratulations!!

And you are in my prayers. That's all you can do now. Just cross your fingers and hope for the best.

DeterminedDoc - that was insensitive.
I recommend you retake your MCAT.

How can you recommend I retake it already. That's like saying that you are sure my interview was a fluke or something and that I'm going to get a post-interview rejection. I could understand you saying that if I hadn't heard anything from any med schools, but I have sooo what's with all the negativity :confused::confused:
How can you recommend I retake it already. That's like saying that you are sure my interview was a fluke or something and that I'm going to get a post-interview rejection. I could understand you saying that if I hadn't heard anything from any med schools, but I have sooo what's with all the negativity :confused::confused:

DeterminedDoc is a ****head who is sad that he did not work very hard in undergrad and now won't be going to medical school. He likes to go into people's threads and bash them for being worried about getting into medical school since he thinks that nobody has the right to worry except him.

I really hope you get into a school this year. You clearly busted your ass to get that 4.0, and you have earned your chance to shine in medical school.

That said, a retake would not be a bad idea as a backup plan in case the interview does not go in your favor. I understand that in 3 months you will be leaving the country if you don't get in. Can you come back if you get in next cycle? If so then having an improved MCAT would be a very good idea.
How can you recommend I retake it already. That's like saying that you are sure my interview was a fluke or something and that I'm going to get a post-interview rejection. I could understand you saying that if I hadn't heard anything from any med schools, but I have sooo what's with all the negativity :confused::confused:

No one's trying to be negative. Just if you don't get in this cycle then an MCAT retake is probably the best way to improve your app. It sounds like you're having some good luck with interviews, and hopefully you won't even have to worry about it. Good luck and congrats on achieving an interview! Maybe try some mock interviews so you really nail it.
ok I hear what you guys are saying. I have to think of ways to stay in the country or I should say..ways of getting back in the country so that I don't have to do all of these things from back home. That would be expensive as well as extremely difficult. I don't have a problem taking it over, I just need to be in the country for me to do it. So the main focus would be...ways to get back here and get paid. I'm hoping it doesnt come to this because that would be really difficult. I have 2 mock interviews lined up so hopefully with those I can nail the real one. :):)
ok I hear what you guys are saying. I have to think of ways to stay in the country or I should say..ways of getting back in the country so that I don't have to do all of these things from back home. That would be expensive as well as extremely difficult. I don't have a problem taking it over, I just need to be in the country for me to do it. So the main focus would be...ways to get back here and get paid. I'm hoping it doesnt come to this because that would be really difficult. I have 2 mock interviews lined up so hopefully with those I can nail the real one. :):)

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thank you very much for your msg. It was very helpful :)