Reapplicant - After Post Bacc program

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Mar 28, 2015
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I was accepted to a post bacc but unfortunately was unable to matriculate due to one class.
Im ready to apply again but Im unsure as to whether its worth while. I feel like this may have been my one shot.
Im non trad. My MCAT score was a 497 (the school accepted a composite of 500). Post bacc was mostly A's and a couple of Bs in difficult classes pretty commensurate medical school classes.
I was planning on applying with the 497 MCAT score (Although am studying for a September retake.
I have had a lot of conflicting advice as to next moves. I feel that the MCAT is going to be a problem for most MD/DO programs and Im concerned that this conditional acceptance puts me in the group of applicants who actually were accepted and lost a place which may place me at a disadvantage.
I have a good solid application with a strong foundation of research/volunteer/community but Im really stuck as to my next move.
I dont feel desperate but caribbean has crossed my mind- I dont think Im there.
Any advice would be great.

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Please share some more information to give us a better idea (you can keep it within this thread):

There are DO schools that consider applicants with an MCAT score of 497. A September retake would be a good idea if your practice scores consistently come back higher.
Hi, I had a low mcat score and retook to get a 506. I also did a 1.5 year SMP with As and Bs as well. This really opened a lot more doors for me and I was able to have success and get 7 DO interviews with 4 acceptances and one waitlist, plus one MD interview! I strongly advise restudying for the mcat, I went from a 496 to a 506 so it is absolutely doable. I used UWORLD, the informing future doctors youtube channel, and science simplified youtube channel. All of last year june and july I worked two days a week, took an easy online class to boost my gpa, and studied 8 hours a day the other 5 days a week for my mcat. It's super tough but you can do it! ♥
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I am currently studying for an MCAT retake. I did well in the post bacc bar that one C- which was in gross anatomy. I had some health issues that derailed my study. I think my application is solid other than the MCAT. I have always been open to DO but the financial aspect of applying has been a roadblock. I have FAP so it would be worth applying MD but very strategically ie with schools that may be more open to a non traditional applicant with my background. I have never really applied strategically- mostly reach schools. The school that had nominated me was a throwaway school that I applied to in October. I believe applying early would be in my best interest even with the weak MCAT but definetly think that DO may fit me better just because I really want to do primary care.
I had a C in neuroanatomy so I totally get it!! I would say retake the mcat and apply early, especially to the newer DO schools. VCOM, WCUCOM, ACOM, UIWSOM and ARCOM all mentioned specifically that they were impressed I did an SMP, so you may have luck with those.
Hi, I had a low mcat score and retook to get a 506. I also did a 1.5 year SMP with As and Bs as well. This really opened a lot more doors for me and I was able to have success and get 7 DO interviews with 4 acceptances and one waitlist, plus one MD interview! I strongly advise restudying for the mcat, I went from a 496 to a 506 so it is absolutely doable. I used UWORLD, the informing future doctors youtube channel, and science simplified youtube channel. All of last year june and july I worked two days a week, took an easy online class to boost my gpa, and studied 8 hours a day the other 5 days a week for my mcat. It's super tough but you can do it! ♥
Thats my strategy. Im fortunate to not have to work for a few months and so I want to focus on MCAT study.
Im using Kaplan books and I still have access to the online Kaplan until the end of August. I tried Uworld previously but didnt find it that helpful. Im trying to figure out what my problem is with the MCAT. I was scoring at 127-131 on CARS but the real thing was at 125. Same with P/S- I was scoring at 127-131 and ended with a 124.
I need to get a handle on this or I wont survive medical school even if I get in.
I dont think I need to boost my GPA anymore. Its that MCAT. Sighs.
Thank you for your advise.
I had a C in neuroanatomy so I totally get it!! I would say retake the mcat and apply early, especially to the newer DO schools. VCOM, WCUCOM, ACOM, UIWSOM and ARCOM all mentioned specifically that they were impressed I did an SMP, so you may have luck with those.
Ok I will do!
I was accepted to a post bacc but unfortunately was unable to matriculate due to one class.
Im ready to apply again but Im unsure as to whether its worth while. I feel like this may have been my one shot.
Im non trad. My MCAT score was a 497 (the school accepted a composite of 500). Post bacc was mostly A's and a couple of Bs in difficult classes pretty commensurate medical school classes.
I was planning on applying with the 497 MCAT score (Although am studying for a September retake.
I have had a lot of conflicting advice as to next moves. I feel that the MCAT is going to be a problem for most MD/DO programs and Im concerned that this conditional acceptance puts me in the group of applicants who actually were accepted and lost a place which may place me at a disadvantage.
I have a good solid application with a strong foundation of research/volunteer/community but Im really stuck as to my next move.
I dont feel desperate but caribbean has crossed my mind- I dont think Im there.
Any advice would be great.
hey! just read through all your past posts on your profile about your story and huge kudos to getting through your post-bacc! i know the MCAT didn't turn out the way you wanted and your plan with your linkage program didn't work out but i just wanted to offer you some notes of encouragement as an albeit younger non-trad who's plan to go MD didn't quite go the way i thought it would and I ended up at a DO program.

i noticed on one of your previous posts you said you "knew DO wasn't for you." and i'm hoping you reconsider! as an almost 3rd year DO student, i can tell you choosing to go DO is definitely "holistic" but not so much in the way that people think? sure we learn OMM (which isn't necearrily holistic everywhere haha) but i've found at my school we end up with way more diverse classes made up of people with incredibly unique stories. the "holistic" learning you get by attending school with people who aren't just 4.0/520 MCAT 22 year olds is incredible.

in my class and the class below me, we have multiple students in their 40s and 50s, multiple students with kids who are all the way from infants - college age, multiple students who've had kids while in school, people who are on their 2nd or 3rd career, and people from really just all walks of life. there are a ton of reasons i'm glad I ended up at a DO school, but the value and perspective you get on life and medicine by going to school with people who have such varied life experiences has been one of the best parts.

all that said, at the time, I probably would've gone MD if I had had the option, but I was open to DO, and having completed our pre-clinical curriculum now 2 years later, if I could go back and change it, I wouldn't change one single thing.

so all that said, you honestly sound like to me like someone who would be a *perfect* fit for a DO program. and frankly with your background and relative success in your post-bacc, there are definitely a handful for DO programs that would consider you with a 497. also, AACOMAS (the DO app service) does have fee waiver, so definitely don't brush off applying DO for that reason! AACOMAS Application Fee Waiver that said, i definitely think you are wise to do a serious re-take and see if you can pull it up at least a few points!

a couple MCAT retake tips as a non-trad who jumped from 502 - 51x. for your MCAT retake i would definitely reconsider your thoughts on uworld. i actually didn't use uworld for my MCAT at all but you absolutely need to be using some form of questions (and a lot of questions). kindly, simply reading through Kaplan and doing the end of chapter questions is not going to cut it. that said, reading for your content review is fine, you just absolutely have to be doing a ton of questions to find the gaps and be able to address them! there are a lot of qbanks out there (including the AAMC banks) but especially if you've done those before (the AAMC ones) they won't be as fruitful! so may consider giving uworld another shot? its been GOLD for me as i've prepped for Step 1.

All that said, best wishes on your journey! don't knock DO till you've tried it! 😉
hey! just read through all your past posts on your profile about your story and huge kudos to getting through your post-bacc! i know the MCAT didn't turn out the way you wanted and your plan with your linkage program didn't work out but i just wanted to offer you some notes of encouragement as an albeit younger non-trad who's plan to go MD didn't quite go the way i thought it would and I ended up at a DO program.

i noticed on one of your previous posts you said you "knew DO wasn't for you." and i'm hoping you reconsider! as an almost 3rd year DO student, i can tell you choosing to go DO is definitely "holistic" but not so much in the way that people think? sure we learn OMM (which isn't necearrily holistic everywhere haha) but i've found at my school we end up with way more diverse classes made up of people with incredibly unique stories. the "holistic" learning you get by attending school with people who aren't just 4.0/520 MCAT 22 year olds is incredible.

in my class and the class below me, we have multiple students in their 40s and 50s, multiple students with kids who are all the way from infants - college age, multiple students who've had kids while in school, people who are on their 2nd or 3rd career, and people from really just all walks of life. there are a ton of reasons i'm glad I ended up at a DO school, but the value and perspective you get on life and medicine by going to school with people who have such varied life experiences has been one of the best parts.

all that said, at the time, I probably would've gone MD if I had had the option, but I was open to DO, and having completed our pre-clinical curriculum now 2 years later, if I could go back and change it, I wouldn't change one single thing.

so all that said, you honestly sound like to me like someone who would be a *perfect* fit for a DO program. and frankly with your background and relative success in your post-bacc, there are definitely a handful for DO programs that would consider you with a 497. also, AACOMAS (the DO app service) does have fee waiver, so definitely don't brush off applying DO for that reason! AACOMAS Application Fee Waiver that said, i definitely think you are wise to do a serious re-take and see if you can pull it up at least a few points!

a couple MCAT retake tips as a non-trad who jumped from 502 - 51x. for your MCAT retake i would definitely reconsider your thoughts on uworld. i actually didn't use uworld for my MCAT at all but you absolutely need to be using some form of questions (and a lot of questions). kindly, simply reading through Kaplan and doing the end of chapter questions is not going to cut it. that said, reading for your content review is fine, you just absolutely have to be doing a ton of questions to find the gaps and be able to address them! there are a lot of qbanks out there (including the AAMC banks) but especially if you've done those before (the AAMC ones) they won't be as fruitful! so may consider giving uworld another shot? its been GOLD for me as i've prepped for Step 1.

All that said, best wishes on your journey! don't knock DO till you've tried it! 😉
Thank you for your comments! I literally have been in waves of emotion as you can imagine. Mostly regret and wondering how I could have done better but then realising that the events that disrupted my focus were impossible to circumvent. What I have learned is that its important to speak to someone when there are health issues/personal issues that threaten to derail. Unfortunately I didnt feel that I could share that information and here we are.
I never seriously considered DO because of the cost of applying but I understand that a medical career is an investment in myself first and I am willing to apply properly to DO. I worked with a wonderful DO at one of the well known NY hospitals who was doing really well in her career and she said to me dont discount the DO route so I wont.

My MCAT study is the problem. I did have U world but I dont think I used it in the right way and the best advise I have been given is to do as much practice questions as possible. I did difficult subjects this past year and I excelled. I really believe that time management and organization of study is my main issue. I had zero issues with pharm, physiology, immunology but memorization of structures was my issue in anatomy. I just didnt have the time to do it (I was studying for the MCAT for that "one measly point increase". The strange thing is I was super good when it came to dissecting! Go figure.
So my plan of action is to retake the MCAT. I feel three months is enough as Im aiming for a 9/14 retake which is completely risky (I know) but if I dont see my scores increase then I wont book and ill delay till next year.

Im going all in this cycle but I really do think a proper increase in the MCAT will open a lot more doors to me. Theres always the SGU and Ross. 🙂
I appreciate your comments. I am absolutely determined. I really wish there was another route for me but this is definetly what I need to do
Thanks 🙂
Thank you for your comments! I literally have been in waves of emotion as you can imagine. Mostly regret and wondering how I could have done better but then realising that the events that disrupted my focus were impossible to circumvent. What I have learned is that its important to speak to someone when there are health issues/personal issues that threaten to derail. Unfortunately I didnt feel that I could share that information and here we are.
I never seriously considered DO because of the cost of applying but I understand that a medical career is an investment in myself first and I am willing to apply properly to DO. I worked with a wonderful DO at one of the well known NY hospitals who was doing really well in her career and she said to me dont discount the DO route so I wont.

My MCAT study is the problem. I did have U world but I dont think I used it in the right way and the best advise I have been given is to do as much practice questions as possible. I did difficult subjects this past year and I excelled. I really believe that time management and organization of study is my main issue. I had zero issues with pharm, physiology, immunology but memorization of structures was my issue in anatomy. I just didnt have the time to do it (I was studying for the MCAT for that "one measly point increase". The strange thing is I was super good when it came to dissecting! Go figure.
So my plan of action is to retake the MCAT. I feel three months is enough as Im aiming for a 9/14 retake which is completely risky (I know) but if I dont see my scores increase then I wont book and ill delay till next year.

Im going all in this cycle but I really do think a proper increase in the MCAT will open a lot more doors to me. Theres always the SGU and Ross. 🙂
I appreciate your comments. I am absolutely determined. I really wish there was another route for me but this is definetly what I need to do
Thanks 🙂
attitude is EVERYTHING and you can tell you have a very humble and committed spirit and its honestly really inspiring 🙂 very best of luck on your journey!