Reapplicant essay to schools I am applying to for the first time??

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Sep 13, 2023
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I keep getting mixed opinions on this. Please help!

I am a reapplicant, but my school list contains 85% of new schools from the last cycle. Should I write reapplicant essays for these new schools? the wording they use is vague, like "For re-applicants: From your most recent application until now, how have you strengthened your application?" or "If you have previously applied to medical school, please describe your significant experiences between this year’s application and your previous application." l

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Reapplicant generally means to that school specifically. That seems to fit with the first example prompt you provided. No need to point it out to them.
Reapplicant generally means to that school specifically. That seems to fit with the first example prompt you provided. No need to point it out to them.
okay great! Thank you. What's your take on the second prompt?
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