"Reasonable Salary" for S-Corp

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2+ Year Member
Feb 3, 2022
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For those of you who have an S-Corp that you pay yourself a "reasonable salary" what is your salary that you report and specialty?

How did you come to this conclusion on what your "reasonable salary" would be from the S-Corp?

I'm at a point where I need to plan to elect S-Corp status and curious what others have done and how they came to that conclusion for that number.

Income for myself is purely 1099 / don't have any other W2 income.

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For those of you who have an S-Corp that you pay yourself a "reasonable salary" what is your salary that you report and specialty?

How did you come to this conclusion on what your "reasonable salary" would be from the S-Corp?

I'm at a point where I need to plan to elect S-Corp status and curious what others have done and how they came to that conclusion for that number.

Income for myself is purely 1099 / don't have any other W2 income.
No personal experience with this, but I'd imagine lower %ile MGMA numbers would be very reasonable (10-25 maybe?). My first year as an attending at the same place I did residency, I made <25th %ile! Lots of partnership track docs making 10%ile or less. I just think that the lowest paying job you can find, or are aware of, in your specialty can easily be defended in an audit.