"Recommended" classes at higher tier schools

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How do I learned medicine
10+ Year Member
Nov 11, 2009
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So, at many schools, classes like biochemistry, microbiology, and genetics are "recommended" to have taken before attending, though they are not explicitly required. However, I've also read that the minimum GPA for graduate programs (not necessary medical) is a number like 3.0, which is almost certainly not enough to actually get admitted. What is wonder is if not having classes like biochemistry, microbiology, and genetics significantly lowers your chances of admission, particularly at upper eschelon schools. It might be possible to get admitted, but does it significantly damage one's chances (assuming As in all the other required classes and a good MCAT) to not have these "recommended" classes?

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So, at many schools, classes like biochemistry, microbiology, and genetics are "recommended" to have taken before attending, though they are not explicitly required. However, I've also read that the minimum GPA for graduate programs (not necessary medical) is a number like 3.0, which is almost certainly not enough to actually get admitted. What is wonder is if not having classes like biochemistry, microbiology, and genetics significantly lowers your chances of admission, particularly at upper eschelon schools. It might be possible to get admitted, but does it significantly damage one's chances (assuming As in all the other required classes and a good MCAT) to not have these "recommended" classes?

It's really hard to know, and probably very school-specific. I'd probably lean the other way though, and say that most places don't care a whole lot as long as your numbers are good.
Yah its really school specific. I think that personally the best way to get in to most schools (except harvard, cuz it wants 2 semesters of calc) is 1 semester of calc, 1 semester of stat, 1 semester of english com, 1 semester of english litt, 1 semester of genetics, 1 semester of biochem , 1 semester of genetics. <microbiology isnt recommend or required but its a amazing class to take.>
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Yah its really school specific. I think that personally the best way to get in to most schools (except harvard, cuz it wants 2 semesters of calc) is 1 semester of calc, 1 semester of stat, 1 semester of english com, 1 semester of english litt, 1 semester of genetics, 1 semester of biochem , 1 semester of genetics. <microbiology isnt recommend or required but its a amazing class to take.>

Calculus: check, double check, n -> infinity check (math and physics major here)
Stat: check twice (i LOVED statistics)
English: oui.
Genetics, biochem, micro: ...damnit.
there is a big difference between recommended and REQUIRED.... I applied to schools which had a ton of recommended courses, none of which I did.... I just did the REQUIRED (general bio, chem, orgo, physics) got A's in all of them and did well on MCAT.... and I got accepted to some (not all) of the schools to which I did not do ANY of their recommended courses

In my opinion, take recommended courses if YOU want... dont do it for the sake of admissions
Some schools might specifically require statistics and labs from phys/chem/ochem/bio.

UCSD SoM doesn't require any labs at all.

In general it's good idea to take labs for your sciences and then calculus and statistics (opt out of statistics if you suck hardcore at math).

I haven't heard of any school that specifically required microbiology or genetics, but biochemistry is definitely recommended. Those amino acids are gonna show up on the MCAT, yanno.
Yah its really school specific. I think that personally the best way to get in to most schools (except harvard, cuz it wants 2 semesters of calc) is 1 semester of calc, 1 semester of stat, 1 semester of english com, 1 semester of english litt, 1 semester of genetics, 1 semester of biochem , 1 semester of genetics. <microbiology isnt recommend or required but its a amazing class to take.>

I agree with you. (You have genetics on your list twice, though.)

I think the most economical way to cover most requirements is a year of english, Calc I + Stats, genetics and biochem, and all of the traditional pre-reqs.