Recorded video interview survey!

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Oct 14, 2011
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The 2024 Recorded Video Interview survey is open!

Please tell your peers to complete the survey. We want to get a sense of how many different virtual interviews every has been exposed to, but we are also focused on the recorded video interview (such as Kira Talent or SparkHire).

The more responses we get, the better the insights we will have for future applicants!

Note: Kira just released their 2023 User Experience Survey. Are they on target in capturing your experience?

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Are applicants overwhelmed with multiple virtual interview platforms?

Complete the Recorded Video Interview Survey! We want an idea of how recorded video interviews play a role in health professions admissions! We welcome and encourage non-medical school applicants!

Access the survey!
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As we come to the end of the cycle for 2024 entry, we want to know how many different interview platforms and formats you prepared for. How many should the next group of applicants be preparing for? Help us develop evidence-based advice as an SDN community member!

Access the survey! The more responses we get, the more help we can provide to future health professional applicants!
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