Regarding interview reviews and feedback

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15+ Year Member
Jul 23, 2007
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So it looks like this year we are not going to have an official "Interview Reviews" thread, which is fine, cause I like the format of the Residency Interview Feedback forum that SDN has started. However, if you do decide to write up a review of a program, it would be most useful to actually WRITE SOMETHING meaningful rather than just clicking on the "star rating" of a program. In the past, I found residency interview reviews to be quite helpful as a potential applicant. However, it has always been a pain to rifle through old posts trying to find a program review. I think the new forum is a great way to organize all of this information (as well as make it anonymous), but the info is pretty useless if people don't personalize their reviews by taking the time to write a couple sentences with some details. Thanks guys.

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So it looks like this year we are not going to have an official "Interview Reviews" thread, which is fine, cause I like the format of the Residency Interview Feedback forum that SDN has started...In the past, I found residency interview reviews to be quite helpful as a potential applicant...

I'm on the fence for this SDN Feedback forum, it doesn't look that user-friendly for the reviewer but looks very user-friendly for future peeps.

100% agree, the previous reviews were hella helpful but a tad hard to find.

I guess we should learn to stop worrying and love the bomb.
I'm on the fence for this SDN Feedback forum, it doesn't look that user-friendly for the reviewer but looks very user-friendly for future peeps.

100% agree, the previous reviews were hella helpful but a tad hard to find.

I guess we should learn to stop worrying and love the bomb.

It really should not take much more time and effort than simply posting your own write up as in past years. You could skip the check boxes in the first section if you don't want to answer them. I think most people will find the "comments" section to be the more high-yield anyway.