Research opportunities for post graduate students

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Gao Xiong

New Member
May 15, 2023
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I decided during my senior year that I wanted to go to medical school. Its been almost 2 years and I am graduating this Spring 2024. I would still take a gap year to study for the MCAT and increase my meaningful experiences.

I didn’t want to do any research initially but then thought that because I hope to get into one of the biggest research universities in the Midwest, I think research would be beneficial. I hope to tackle this during my gap year.

However, I’ve noticed that most research opportunities are geared towards those who have not graduated yet and I’m slightly panicking. What contributes to research opportunities, and how can I go about finding research opportunities after graduating with my bachelor’s degree?

Thanks in advance!

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I can't sugar coat this: IF you don't have any research experience already, it's going to be very difficult to get a research job.

I hope to get into one of the biggest research universities in the Midwest

Stop thinking like this when it appears you have a 3.4/3.5 GPA and haven't even set foot in a lab. A first author Cell paper isn't going to get you into Wash U or Northwestern.
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I have to agree. The best time to get research experience is when you are a student. You will have research opportunities as a medical student too, so it's not critical if it is not part of your purpose as a physician.

You could try to find a lab that would take you as a research assistant, but you better be trainable and not expect to be an author in a paper.
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I decided during my senior year that I wanted to go to medical school. Its been almost 2 years and I am graduating this Spring 2024. I would still take a gap year to study for the MCAT and increase my meaningful experiences.

I didn’t want to do any research initially but then thought that because I hope to get into one of the biggest research universities in the Midwest, I think research would be beneficial. I hope to tackle this during my gap year.

However, I’ve noticed that most research opportunities are geared towards those who have not graduated yet and I’m slightly panicking. What contributes to research opportunities, and how can I go about finding research opportunities after graduating with my bachelor’s degree?

Thanks in advance!

But... these are pretty competitive, I believe. So if no prior experience might be a stretch...
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