first of all you'll have to decide between the dutch part or the french part.
The French part i can't really help you with as i know very little about it.
The Dutch part (Flanders) is where i'm from and what i'll explain briefly.
The very short explanation is you are out of luck if you want a competitive residency as it just isn't going to happen.
The slightly longer explanation is that the 3 big universities (Antwerpen, Leuve & Gent; basicly the ones with a med school) get a number of spots allocated for residency each year and they do solicitations for it, however students from the own university get first pick so as a foreign grad student you only get to pick from what is left. A&E, general medicine, psychiatry usually have spots free, although general medicine is picking up
now for your other questions
Your license can indeed be aknowledged if our country deems it equal more about it here:
Basicly this says if you got your medical degree in EU or Swiss you can follow
this application (dutch)
If you got it from outside the EU you have to get it approved by the region (Dutch/French government)
=> this is the document you want to end up with for the dutch part erkenning hoger onderwijs_E.doc
which you then send to:
Federale Overheidsdienst Volksgezondheid,
Veiligheid van de Voedselketen en Leefmilieu,
Cel Internationale Mobiliteit van de Gezondheidsbeoefenaars
Victor Hortaplein, 40 (bus 10) - Bureau 02D283
1060 Brussel
Tel. : +32 2 524.99.00
Fax : +32 2. 524.98.15
E-mail :
[email protected]
Web :