Retake a 4 year old 520 MCAT?

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2+ Year Member
Jun 17, 2019
Reaction score
So back in 2018 I got a 520 on my first MCAT attempt, including a 132 in CARS. I was really happy with the score, but I've enrolled in a two year research based masters program with a thesis. That means the next application cycle for me will be 2021-2022 at which point my MCAT will be 4 years old. I was looking through MSAR and noticed that a something like ~70% of schools only accept scores within 3 years of matriculation.

Do you think it is a bigger risk to roll the dice on retaking the test and risk getting a lower score, or to restrict my applications to only 30% of possible schools?

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Personally, I would not retake a 520 but I also wouldn't want to risk that score expiring. The AAMC data shows folks in that score range are more likely to have a score decrease than increase.

Have you looked at schools you want to apply to? Do they accept scores that will be that old? If not, you've got some tough decisions to make.
So back in 2018 I got a 520 on my first MCAT attempt, including a 132 in CARS. I was really happy with the score, but I've enrolled in a two year research based masters program with a thesis. That means the next application cycle for me will be 2021-2022 at which point my MCAT will be 4 years old. I was looking through MSAR and noticed that a something like ~70% of schools only accept scores within 3 years of matriculation.

Do you think it is a bigger risk to roll the dice on retaking the test and risk getting a lower score, or to restrict my applications to only 30% of possible schools?

The MSAR (including the free version) will show you the "Oldest MCAT® considered". A quick glance shows plenty taking MCATs as old as 2017. Take a look - you may be surprised.
Contact the schools you are interested in. Don’t retake a 520 unless you absolutely have to