Retaking a prereq from community college

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2+ Year Member
Mar 25, 2022
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I am applying this cycle but I have a grade of C- for my second semester of General Chemistry.
I am looking to retake it this summer at a community college before I apply but I would like to know if that grade has to be transferable to my undergrad institution or if it can just be "general chemistry".

If anyone has experience retaking a course at another institution for dental school prereqs, please let me know.
This would greatly help me.
Thanks so much!

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I took some prerequite courses at my community college. From my expereince, just go ahead and call/look up if you can transfer the classes to your unversity as a transfer credit. And if you can, do it, it doesn't cost anything, and covers your bases. But make up the schools you are applying to even accept community college credits. If not, you can always submit multiple transcripts to ADEA from different schools if you don't want to tranfer for any reason.
I took some prerequite courses at my community college. From my expereince, just go ahead and call/look up if you can transfer the classes to your unversity as a transfer credit. And if you can, do it, it doesn't cost anything, and covers your bases. But make up the schools you are applying to even accept community college credits. If not, you can always submit multiple transcripts to ADEA from different schools if you don't want to tranfer for any reason.
thanks! its kind of tough to find open classes that transfer to that specific classes at my undergrad. For example, the course title for community college would be called "General Chemstry" but does not go under the same course that I got a C- in... So I'm conflicted...