Review Article & case report: should I write it as research experience in ERAS?

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Aug 4, 2020
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Hello all! I have a question regarding research experience in ERAS.
If I have written a case report and got published. Then after the case report I wrote a review article (published too) about the same topic. The review article is a systemic review of all previously reported case or case series. Can these count as research experience in ERAS?
Thanks so much!!

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I would not. Just because you got a publication doesn't mean you did "research." Neither of those article types would be considered "original research," which is generally what one is talking about when talking about research experiences. A professional CV would have different areas for "original research" articles, "case reports," and "review articles" for this reason.

At the end of the day, good for you for getting 2 publications since that's really all you probably care about, but this isn't research.
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