Rising D3 interested in OMFS- improving application during COVID?

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OMFS Resident
10+ Year Member
Feb 7, 2013
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I'm a rising D3 interested in OMFS, our summer semester is pretty chill so I wanted to do some OMFS stuff but that's difficult right now. Externships got cancelled, my school won't let students shadow in the OS clinic/hospital, and a lot of research faculty are busy managing the new regulations/ don't want to take on new students. My CBSE is decent and the semester is only 2 credits so not much to worry about there.

My plan right now is mostly just to read some OMFS books in my free time (secrets, petersons, etc.) and reach out to more faculty trying to find some kind of research. Just feels weird having a lot of free time and nothing to do.

My PD suggested I make connections and demonstrate interest in the specialty, any suggestions? I'm guessing most of us are in the same boat.

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I'm a rising D3 interested in OMFS, our summer semester is pretty chill so I wanted to do some OMFS stuff but that's difficult right now. Externships got cancelled, my school won't let students shadow in the OS clinic/hospital, and a lot of research faculty are busy managing the new regulations/ don't want to take on new students. My CBSE is decent and the semester is only 2 credits so not much to worry about there.

My plan right now is mostly just to read some OMFS books in my free time (secrets, petersons, etc.) and reach out to more faculty trying to find some kind of research. Just feels weird having a lot of free time and nothing to do.

My PD suggested I make connections and demonstrate interest in the specialty, any suggestions? I'm guessing most of us are in the same boat.

What's the cbse?
  • Haha
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