Rising MS3, no derm research, chances with no research year?

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2+ Year Member
Oct 13, 2019
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I'm strongly considering derm as a potential option going into MS3. I have had exposure to dermatology prior to medical school as a medical scribe and working on a small Dermatology project (no published output though).

Currently at a "high tier" medical school with a decent amount of research output in non-dermatology fields (Currently 10 papers with 5 more in review, few of which are first author, and ~25-30 research items if posters and oral presentations are counted).

If I grind out some Derm research and manage to get a paper or two by the time I apply, will I be OK to match somewhere? Not aiming for top programs but would like to match somewhere on the east coast if possible.

Thank you

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If you go to a top school and make connections in your home department, ideally with at least one big name, you should match. The benefits of going to a top 10 med school can’t be discounted