RMSK Study Tips?

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Feb 4, 2016
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I am planning on taking the RMSK examination within the year. For anyone who has taken the exam, do you have any study tips? Thanks in advance!

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I am planning on taking the RMSK examination within the year. For anyone who has taken the exam, do you have any study tips? Thanks in advance!

There's next to no exam-focused resources out there. I don't know of any good question banks. The one through APCA is a waste of time.

Biggest help was reading the entirety of Jacobson's Fundamentals of Musculoskeletal Ultrasound. I was also scanning regularly in my clinic and improved my skills with self-scanning after clinic. I also read some supplementary stuff from radiology literature on ultrasound physics.

This method was good enough to pass, but I felt the ABPMR and ABEM exams were easier for me. It's a tough exam; passing rate just over 60% as I remember. Be able to see a static image and know every structure on it cold, even if given zero context regarding what body part the transducer is on. Don't neglect physics and know all the possible jargon that can be used.
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Pretty hard to study the images and practical portion from scratch - I feel like that was residency and fellowship. The physics portion is what I spent the most time studying (I think I only studied this part). A good chunk of the test was on that portion.
Hey guys,
I took the exam last cycle. It is quite difficult, particularly the physics portion since none of that was really taught in training.

www.mskdoc.com is the best study material/question bank I have seen. The question style and format is nearly the same as the real RMSK exam and contains all the high yield questions that the RMSK ask. It is quite difficult but if you can understand the concepts on this question bank, it will be very difficult to fail the real thing. There is a free 8 question practice test to get a feel for the questions and then there is a purchasable 3 month subscription to the large question bank containing 205 questions. There are a TON of images which is very helpful. The percentage tested on each section is similar to the actual exam. Overall I highly recommend.
Good luck!
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