Robert Wood Johnson vs UMDNJ-NJMED newark

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Anyone have any opinions, pros/cons, strengths/weaknesses you can comment on these 2 programs.

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Anyone have any opinions, pros/cons, strengths/weaknesses you can comment on these 2 programs.

RWJ - a little stronger academic/research but NJMed is trying to catch up
Comraderie seems better at RWJ
NJmed had hackensack - see what the private life is like
NJmed has liver transplants
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RWJ - a little stronger academic/research but NJMed is trying to catch up
Comraderie seems better at RWJ
NJmed had hackensack - see what the private life is like
NJmed has liver transplants

I would also add.. RWJ will soon be associated with Rutgers University, while NJMed (Newark) will remain UMDNJ possibly renamed to NJHSU. (Google for more details on NJ's higher education restructuring currently ongoing). Also, if you're not familiar with NJ, New Brunswick is a MUCH nicer/safer area than Newark.