Rotation exams vs Step 2 CK? views

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7+ Year Member
Feb 12, 2017
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Hey guys. I will be starting my 3rd year now and need to know if Rotation exams will be similar to step 2 CK or should I be more worried about CK?
Same materials for rotation exams for CK can do the trick or not?

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Hey guys. I will be starting my 3rd year now and need to know if Rotation exams will be similar to step 2 CK or should I be more worried about CK?
Same materials for rotation exams for CK can do the trick or not?
Yes to simlar (maybe a bit more details on shelves). Yes to the same materials - you should use UWORLD for Step 2 to prepare for shelves, don't "save" it to prepare for Step 2.